Liver Protection/protectorents


New member
Heya guys

In your opinions what are the best things you can take to protect you liver

natural and synthetic ..

someone said milkthistle & proviron

Thistle lowered my liver enzymes in half in just under two months
that plus no fried or spicy foods. Fried food was not a problem but I had to give up spicy dishes. That sucked but it's a small price to pay for a healthy liver.
wanttogetbig said:
heyyy ...

wats liv.52 bro

Capers (Latin name: Capparis spinosa)
Caper is a hepatic stimulant that have been used for improving the functional efficiency of the liver. Recent experimental studies also confirm its protective action on the histological architecture of the liver and the positive effects on liver glycogen and serum proteins.

Chicory (Latin name: Cichorium intybus)
Chicory is a powerful hepatic stimulant which increases bile secretion, promotes digestion and enhances the action of Capers. Experimental evidence has been obtained of its effect on liver glycogen and recent studies have shown the inhibition of free radical induced DNA damage.

Black Nightshade (Latin name: Solanum nigrum)
The Black Nightshade plant and its berries contain various alkaloids that have been isolated and shown to have a dilating effect on the pupil. The main use, however, is to support a healthy liver, skin, kidneys and bladder. The most recent studies indicate that the hepatoprotective effect of the crude extract of Black Nightshade may be due to the suppression of the oxidative degradation of DNA.

Arjuna (Latin name: Terminalia arjuna)
Arjuna is a heart tonic that has been used to support cardiovascular functions since ancient times when it was discovered to have cardio-protective benefits. Recent studies have investigated the mechanism of this activity and has shown a dose-dependent regulation of blood pressure and heart rate. There was also a slight increase in the HDL-to-total cholesterol ratio and an overall improvement in the cardiovascular profile.

Negro Coffee (Latin name: Cassia occidentalis)
Negro Coffee has been traditionally used to promote normal bowel movements. It is a cousin species of Senna, a known and stronger purgative. Despite its name (which comes from its occasional use as a coffee substitute), Negro Coffee is absolutely unrelated to coffee.

Yarrow (Latin name: Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow has been traditionally used for support of the digestive and urinary functions. Its constitutents have been extensively studied and found to be of value as an alterative, diuretic, and tonic for the venous system. Additionally, Yarrow has been known to have a healing and soothing effect on the mucous membranes. It has been shown effective in regulating gastric and bile secretions.

Tamarisk (Latin name: Tamarix gallica)
Tamarisk, sometimes referred to as Saltcedar, has been traditionally used as a tonic and diuretic. It contains an alkaloid, Tamarixin, that has been linked to its effectiveness in conditions associated with hepatic insufficiency. There are indications that Tamarisk is also helpful in increasing platelet counts.

Liv.52 / LiverCare has been scientifically validated by many clinical studies. Its formula has been subjected to the modern scrutiny of clinical testing to prove its benefits in gently addressing your health concerns, and its quality is controlled by the most sophisticated chromatographic "fingerprinting" techniques.
Milk thistle and ala can be picked up at most nutrition stores like GNC. You can also get them from some pharmacy isles in the grocery store.
Jsanti said:
I don't know anything about these. Do they come in liquid form or pills? Could it be purchased at the local Pharmacy? can do a search for liv.52 and it will pop up.

to my knowledge it is not sold at retail stores.
Glucorell (R+ lipoic and biotin)
Sesapure (sesamin/episesamin)
Tylers liver detox
macro said:
a good addition, with other benefits as well

I just remmebered I used to mix the recommended dose with some cranberry juice which also helps the liver and kidneys for that matter.