Liver swollen on test cycle


New member
Hey guys I'm on my second ever cycle and it feels like my liver is swollen one month into it. I'm 44 years old and 200lbs. Cycle is...
Week 1-4 Test Prop 150mg eod
Week 1-12 Test-e 350mg twice a week
any ideas what I should do?
I read that milk thistle helps.
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If you're running straight test without any orals and your having liver issues you might want to see a doctor about it
was thinking about getting some milk thistle and skipping my next pin to see if the swelling goes down. You think I should go see my doc though huh? has anybody ever felt like there liver was swollen on a cycle like this? is this common?
was thinking about getting some milk thistle and skipping my next pin to see if the swelling goes down. You think I should go see my doc though huh? has anybody ever felt like there liver was swollen on a cycle like this? is this common?

Testosterone alone is not liver toxic.

Solvents and esters are another story (allergic perhaps?).

I wouldn't know swollen liver if it jumped on my face, do you have history/experience with this?

Pull labs, get back to us.
Just feels like under my right rib cage is noticeably swollen. Don't really know it's my liver but it sure seems like it. Never been like that before.
just freaks me out telling my doctor I'm on gear. Maybe I could just get checked out then if something is wrong I'll tell him.
you need to check for liver enzymes and other abnormalities. That sounds like the liver to me. I had a fatty liver 7 years ago due to ignorance. I took a break from drinking and AAS for 2 years and my liver fully recovered. They will probably want to biopsy you. That's what happened to me anyways. If it is your liver, you're probably not gonna be touching AAS for a good amount of time until your liver corrects itself. Which it will if you're not stupid...
you need to check for liver enzymes and other abnormalities. That sounds like the liver to me. I had a fatty liver 7 years ago due to ignorance. I took a break from drinking and AAS for 2 years and my liver fully recovered. They will probably want to biopsy you. That's what happened to me anyways. If it is your liver, you're probably not gonna be touching AAS for a good amount of time until your liver corrects itself. Which it will if you're not stupid...

And you may also develop a large black square on your face.