liver toxic roids


New member
Okay looking through the Steroid profile section part of this site apparently it states that basically all injectable testosterones have a low liver toxicity but deca and equipoise are not toxic.....Is this true?
Every Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) out there either oral or inj. passes through the liver. They all have some effect on it, some more than others. The 17aa being more toxic. No free lunches out there.
Yes but as a gereral statement injectables have a low low chance of liver toxicity, as compared to orals.
JayC said:
Yes but as a gereral statement injectables have a low low chance of liver toxicity, as compared to orals.
except injectable dbol and winstrol . they are still a 17 steroid .
Liver toxicity in roids are so over stated. I wouldnt worry about that too much unless you plan o nabusing the shit out of 17aas for a prolonged period
skarhead1 said:
Liver toxicity in roids are so over stated. I wouldnt worry about that too much unless you plan o nabusing the shit out of 17aas for a prolonged period
its not just the juice . its when you combine juice/booze/tylenol[otc/prescription meds ]
skarhead1 said:
Liver toxicity in roids are so over stated. I wouldnt worry about that too much unless you plan o nabusing the shit out of 17aas for a prolonged period

Tren moved one of my liver enzymes to about 15 times the top of the normal range.

Not cool.
All steroids pass through your liver. Your liver doesn't stress from all steroids. Only the one that have to broken down in the liver in order for them to become steroids. Those are the 17aa oral steroids. Those put a minimal amount of stress on the liver. Much less than Tylenol. It's not even close.
Injectable steroids pass through the liver but have no affect on it because they are not metabolized in the liver.