Local Death Due To Steroids

Unfotunately the mothers opinion doesn't mean shit. If the autopsy revealed that it was indeed steroids, then I give it some consideration. She was also probably wrong about him going from 155 to 210 in a few months, I'm sure it was an exaggeration of either weight or time.

Again, another time steroids are blamed with absolutely no evidence to backup the claim.
The only thing is that although we all no this is bullshit, no good will come of it. This is the kind of stuff hardons in Capital Hill wet their pants over. A great time to propose new bills and make new laws to fuck everything up worse than they are now. Which in turn makes you and I, all more the criminal because were break stupid laws in order to either keep our game tight or get to the next level.
Why can't the government be more like this?
gov: How did he die?
mom: steroids!
gov: you have any proof?
mom: no.
gov: did the autopsy confirm it?
mom: no.
gov: then why do you feel it was steroids?
mom: why? don't you believe me?
gov: not really then.
mom: and what about all the media that says so?
gov: ...next!
Thoms said:
I wonder if it's from a bathtub chemist.

you mean 98% of the UGL's out there? It's homebrew in pretty labels. I bet 90% of this board is taking bathtub chemist gear.
Very doubtful that it has anything to do with AAS.

They wanted to do an autopsy and the mother declined saying "you know those steroids did it". Something just isn't right. Doctors and nurses told this women that they have never seen a case like this related to steroids.
You might be on to something. Perhaps the mom poisoned him, blamed it on steroids, and refused the autopsy. Ah well, pure speculation off course. Then again, so is blaming his death on steroids.
She could be so brainwashed by the media that she believes steroids are the same as rat poison, and doesn't need an autopsy for peace of mind.
skarhead1 said:
you mean 98% of the UGL's out there? It's homebrew in pretty labels. I bet 90% of this board is taking bathtub chemist gear.
That may be so, but there are bathtub chemists that know what they're doing, and 'chemists' that don't bother with sterility.
DougoeFre5h said:
Even if it was related in some direct way, it would be one of the first deaths ever to truly be linked to steroid use/abuse. Can't say the same for smoking, drinking, driving a car, etc.

For the record I guarantee there is an unknown variable here, most likely a pre-existing condition or genetic disposition to his kidney issues. If not, he may have been poisoned.

I agree with Dougoe.
bouncer i agree with u. i live here. in the area where this happened. its also the county where da david soares has signature pharmicies by the balls. so he is grand standing. i think they should of had an autopsy as well. now everyone can say what ever they want. and who can disagree with them. i have family that works at st. peters and the doctors all say the same thing never had a case like it before period. maybe mom gave him some of her horse gear or killed him for the insurance
maybe he had a thyroid problem and thats where the excesive weight gain came from, just throwing out another logical explanation. i think we all know its pretty safe to say that it was not the steroids or at least them alone. there was some undecided factor here, but what, we may never know.
We'll never know what caused his death, could well be his own parents poisoned the kid because now they are refusing an autopsy.
I dunno, you are all dead on but it does hammer home that you need to realize there is a harmful side to what we do if you don't keep it in check...much lick drinking too much or too many drugs...you can't go hardcore without paying a price. Sounds like this kid kind of threw moderation out the door.
outlawtas2 said:
We all know that top pro's are on 4+ grams of gear, plus everything else under the sun and for years at a time. How come none of them have popped quite yet? There is always an underlying condition if an issue arises.
One of the reasons pros become pros is their ability to tolerate huge doses of pharmaceuticals without having serious health problems.
DocJ said:
One of the reasons pros become pros is their ability to tolerate huge doses of pharmaceuticals without having serious health problems.
That's damn straight, That and genes are what makes one person a big pro bb the other a cold slab of wannabe.
DocJ said:
One of the reasons pros become pros is their ability to tolerate huge doses of pharmaceuticals without having serious health problems.
don't agree with that at all..
don't agree with that at all..
Which part? I know plenty of people with GREAT genetics that couldn't get to the "next level" b/c they couldn't tolerate dosages past a certain point. History is full of past top NPC competitors that fit that mold.
it's all speculation as usual. The sad part is, this and other stories like it are always front page news.. When they do find out it wasn't related to steroids.. it winds up on page 8 with a three line statemnet that everyone will miss due to the sale ad right above it.

Sensationalism sells gentlemen.. the truth sometimes takes a back seat
Wait a minute...this young man dies of an unknown reason and the coroner is allowing MOM to say that she doens't want and autopsy?? Maybe she gave him something that killed him.... hmmmm..maybe she has an insurance policy on him or something...why else would she not want an autopsy???? Something stinks with this so called "Death"

And read this article.. talk about some bullshit..this has a picture of him before and while in the hospital... Im telling you guys...Mom did something to this guy...

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thefantom1 said:
Wait a minute...this young man dies of an unknown reason and the coroner is allowing MOM to say that she doens't want and autopsy?? Maybe she gave him something that killed him.... hmmmm..maybe she has an insurance policy on him or something...why else would she not want an autopsy???? Something stinks with this so called "Death"

And read this article.. talk about some bullshit..this has a picture of him before and while in the hospital... Im telling you guys...Mom did something to this guy...

this is all new to me and very disturbing.