Trenbolone acetate. Why do people think its the fucking devil

I've ran tren 3 cycles, I am a bit experienced with it, all I'm saying is your going to need to run nolvadex throughout cycle to prevent estrogen sides, you will need a low dose(used only when necessary) armidex or letrozole to maintain healthy estrogen levels and your going to need your DA prami in case of prolactin sides(if you like the use of your dick) and I highly recommend hcg in pct if not throughout the whole cycle

If your dick not working don't get ya than the psychological sides will

But other than that I love tren, pick shit up put shit down

Just a heads up on your advice:
HCG IMO should be run on cycle, some run it at the end of cycle, blasting it pre pct. It should, however, not be run during pct at all. It is suppressive so running it during pct is counter productive. You should stop hcg 3 days pre pct.
Also most dont need to run nolva and an ai. An ai on cycle to manage e2 is sufficient, nolva or raloxifene on hand should gyno appear in spite of ai use.
The fewer compounds you can run the better. Think of it on an as needed basis only. Thats how I like to approach things and blood work is crucial to help you determine compound necessity as well as dial in dosages.