Trenbolone acetate. Why do people think its the fucking devil


New member
I posted a few weeks ago about my first cycle which consists of 125mg test e and 75 mg tren a eod. I ran the test e for 3 weeks prior to starting the tren. Im also taking dball for the first 6 weeks. Im going to run the tren for 6 weeks and continue with the test e for 2 weeks after the tren is done. Im also running hcg once a week. I have a couple estrogen scavengers for pct if needed. Im not running it during my cycle as Ive learned they can really inhibit your gains. The guy who put me on this cycle is a former professional body builder...and a nurse. He enjoys studying the polyscience of steroids and from talking to some of his other "clients", he doesnt seem to steer anyone wrong. He asked me a few questions about my family history and based on my current size and what I was trying to do, this is what he recommended. I posted on a few different forums and got laughed at and ridiculed for running tren for my first cycle. I was aware of all the potential side effects and was willing to roll the dice. My guy assured me that they are HIGHLY exaggerated. But I had to research it for myself. Im over two weeks into the tren. Ive done 7 pins so far. I have had zero side effects. Except maybe a little aggressiveness, but thats to be expected with test too. Im just starting to notice a bit more strength and my muscles are definitely harder than they were a few weeks ago...especially my shoulders. My guy told me that people who suffer from the side effects are genetically predisposed to...which I now believe. Based on the questions he asked me about my family history and the fact that I am mentally strong he told me it was highly unlikely Id fall victim to the side effects. Im just posting this because I found a lot of people like myself with questions about this great drug. Everyone's different. Dont fear it. Be smart. Do your research and reap the benefits. Thanks to all the guys on here for their input too. Im very fascinated with this stuff and love to learn more about it everyday. Stay strong friends.
Aromasin is a estrogen scavenger as opposed to nolvadex, which is a estrogen blocker. A scavenger, like aromasin is much gentler on your gains than a blocker like Nolvadex. And yes, pct if needed. Im an amateur. My system has not been subjected to a lot of abuse. My system should snap back ok and Im not at risk for gyno. And yes, I have a lot to learn. You obviously do too. These forums are so contradictory. Its insane. I did my research. Asked my questions. Read some studies. And realized their is no broad generalization answer to most of the questions I asked. I asked a question, got different points of view.
My blood work will determine if pct is really needed. Ill be able to feel it too im sure. But Im not attacking my gains if I dont need too. If my levels return to normal naturally, Id much rather go that route
i dont know what this is about and dont have time to read but i can tell you there is no better AAS then probably tren ace for changing your body into a sculpture. combine it with real GH and some test and mast and you are going for magazine look
My blood work will determine if pct is really needed. Ill be able to feel it too im sure. But Im not attacking my gains if I dont need too. If my levels return to normal naturally, Id much rather go that route

What the fuck are you talking about? How is a pct going to hurt your gains as opposed to not running a pct? The fact that you think you will recover easily from a tren cycle without the use of nolva and clomid is funny. You have not read enough and your lack of knowledge is proof. You need to reconsider the shit that you are doing, and your proposed plans are reckless.
Agree with Tury.

I'm not sure where you got off thinking you can't run a PCT "based on bloodwork." I can assure you, your bloodwork will suggest a pct is necessary.

And what's this "attacking my gains" talk? Freaking hilarious! Attacking my gains? Geez dude, you're clueless.
I'll tell you what'll attack your gains. Your baseline testosterone numbers will be bottomed out to shit for months before it recovers. Especially since you're running a 19 Nor. Good luck with that. You'll need it.

And that's IF you eventually recover.
Estrogen should be managed on cycle with an AI, thats an aromatase inhibitor (ie Exemestane). This will allow you the benefits or estrogen without the adverse effects and there are many non visual effects of estrogen that are detrimental to proper health in males.
The purpose of a PCT is to get your body to resume its normal HPTA function as quickly as possible post cycle. It should not, imo, be considered optional at all. It should be just as much a part of your steroid use as the cycle itself.
Read this, is my opinion and expereince. Im not saying its etched in stone but for me it holds true:
Aromasin is a estrogen scavenger as opposed to nolvadex, which is a estrogen blocker. A scavenger, like aromasin is much gentler on your gains than a blocker like Nolvadex. And yes, pct if needed. Im an amateur. My system has not been subjected to a lot of abuse. My system should snap back ok and Im not at risk for gyno. And yes, I have a lot to learn. You obviously do too. These forums are so contradictory. Its insane. I did my research. Asked my questions. Read some studies. And realized their is no broad generalization answer to most of the questions I asked. I asked a question, got different points of view.
im telling you you infact do have alot to learn and i do not mean that in a confrontational way.
a serm like nolva will block but not lower estrogen in body, so using it would let estrogen build up even if you avoid gyno ( nothing to do with gains) . and aromasin doesnt look for and take away estrogen ( so its not a scavanger) it blocks the convertion INTO estrogen and that is what then lowers estrogen.
and there is no "if PCT is needed" you will infact be shut down and it should be used..
keep in mind I know many pros, specially older ones. that actually dont understand shit... just because they did shows and are big doesnt really mean they know what they are doing safely... please just keep that in mind.... and do a pct... regardless of what he sais.. and for PCT i rec 4-5 weeks of 20mg nolva ed and 35-50mg clomid ed ( yes both)
My blood work will determine if pct is really needed. Ill be able to feel it too im sure. But Im not attacking my gains if I dont need too. If my levels return to normal naturally, Id much rather go that route
What the heck are you talking about... avoiding a PCT and extending how long it takes you to recover is what willl affect gains. get this nonsense out of your head about serms messing up your gains...
All I have to say to the OP is just since somebody was a pro bodybuilder does not mean they are smart. And being a nurse really doesn't mean shit when it comes to anabolic steroids in my opinion. The reason why we suggest starting off with testosterone for your first cycle is to see how you tolerate the base steroid that is required for every cycle. Their are a lot of dumb people on forums but if everyone including mods are telling you tren is not a good first steroid you should take that into consideration. Some of these high level body builders are closer to junkies and just want to sell people steroids and really don't care what the out come for you in the end is. I'll tell you what your ex pro body builder friend really did he gave you the most powerful steroid known to man and rolled the dice with your health because he think's he's a guru or just wanted to make more cash off you.

All I have to say to you is take it slow don't do big dosages and don't make your next cycle something insane. Their is a life after bodybuilding and I can already tell you are taking thing's to the extreme. And I really recommend not taking insulin if your friend tries to get you on it.
Only two weeks in? Oh...the fun doesn't usually start til much later, my friend. Discontinue your drugs without AI's and SERMs and then come back and tell everyone how awesome it it. Tren is amazing, to be sure. But it's also a shitstorm in your worst nightmare if you don't play carefully.
Cart before the horse? Man if the tren sides don't fuck you up the real nightmare will begin when you come off.
My blood work will determine if pct is really needed. Ill be able to feel it too im sure. But Im not attacking my gains if I dont need too. If my levels return to normal naturally, Id much rather go that route
LOL wtf are you even talking about?
I've ran tren 3 cycles, I am a bit experienced with it, all I'm saying is your going to need to run nolvadex throughout cycle to prevent estrogen sides, you will need a low dose(used only when necessary) armidex or letrozole to maintain healthy estrogen levels and your going to need your DA prami in case of prolactin sides(if you like the use of your dick) and I highly recommend hcg in pct if not throughout the whole cycle

If your dick not working don't get ya than the psychological sides will

But other than that I love tren, pick shit up put shit down
I've ran tren 3 cycles, I am a bit experienced with it, all I'm saying is your going to need to run nolvadex throughout cycle to prevent estrogen sides, you will need a low dose(used only when necessary) armidex or letrozole to maintain healthy estrogen levels and your going to need your DA prami in case of prolactin sides(if you like the use of your dick) and I highly recommend hcg in pct if not throughout the whole cycle

If your dick not working don't get ya than the psychological sides will

But other than that I love tren, pick shit up put shit down

Bro I'm sorry, but you have your wires crossed. An AI should be run through out cycle to manage e2, which should be monitored by bloods. Nolva would only be run on cycle to combat gyno, otherwise it's used for pct.
Every time I get into the Ais my e2 loves to crash, I can tolerate the nolva tho
I know I'll never run another tren cycle without letro, prami, nolva, and cialis, so much can go wrong
If you run letro as your AI it would be very easy to crash e2. Nolva doesn't actually lower estrogen it only keeps it from binding to the receptor. Have you started with a low dose of adex and then done bloods?