long time lurker, first time poster


New member
what's up guys, here's the deal, I've been on here for a while, I just bought my first cycle and I'm starting monday, so I figured I'd introduce myself

5'6" 185lbs currently

just got off a natural bulk went up to 196lbs.
max lifts are :
dead - 350lbs
squat - 365lbs
bench - 265lbs

my cycle is going to be 500mg/week test E, pretty basic stuff, and my diet is real strong.

I've been training since I was about 15 and really seriously for the last 3-4 years. here's some pics, the first is my second deployment to afghanistan, I was about 155lbs, the second is right before my bulk at 175lbs and the last is at the end at 196lbs. comments are welcome, and I'll keep everyone posted on my gains.


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i am your height and want to get to your bulk size...is there anything in particular you found that worked for you that enabled yourself to gain all that weight?...PS. looking great
yeah! eat a lot!! I was putting down about 4500-5000 calories a day! I think one of the greatest aids for me was drinkning weight gainer shakes(1100cals) right before I went to bed
AngryMuscles said:
good job bro. and diet is a pain.lol

yeah, the biggest killer for me is actually having the food in the house, I work over 12 hours a day so hitting the gorcery store gets put off....a lot. but I'm not partying while I'm on cycle so I should have no excuse not to be stocked up
nice work on the bulk....if i was you id cont bulkin natty for awhile and just see where it takes you.

Also if you dont mind, can you post what a typical days menu of food looks for you...ive been thinking about a huge shake like that before bed for sometime but im keen to see what else ur eating too
I thought I should keep natural for a while too, in fact I wanted to do a cycle last year, but waited, and then got to where I am now. my power movements, which I concentrate most on, are pretty stagnant these days, I can't seem to break past where I'm at.... so that's why I decided to start now
this thread is awesome. aside from the other one in ur room with your bacne, this one looks better. what kind of juice are u on?
I'm on my third day of 500 Test E, so the pics are all nat. thanks for the good replies, as for bacne, it's always been there, the only time it goes away is when I go to the beach and get a good tan. but I haven't been able to go this year.

oh well, I just hope it doesn't get TOO bad while on cycle
the pic of you by the light switch..is that takn in the same time frame?
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look great bro, keep up the good work, keep me posted on the test e cycle, i've been interested for a while now...
I actually do have some updates!

ok, I guess I expected a lot more from my first cycle, I'm only up about 6lbs and I'm on week 7. I eat a lot, and I've bulked natty before, so I know what my body needs, I guess I just need to eat EVEN MORE! my biggest problem with that has been I'm not as hungry as I thought I would be.

anyways, my lifts are UP LIKE CRAZY! my bench went from 235lbs to 260lbs FOR REPS!
my squats went from 315lbs to 365lbs! my deads however have only gone up 15lbs.

I did however lean up quite a bit, that's why I'm not too worried abotu the small weight gain.

overall, I think the cycle has been going GREAT no side effects at all, huge strength gains, and everyone has been saying how big I've been looking lately. I think I just need to rework my diet next time.