long time lurker, first time poster

lbs are only a number man, if you see a difference that is what matters. Nice job.

My last cycle i only gained about 10lbs off of but my weights went up like crazy so i was happy.
yeah, that's really what matters to me, I'd love to be 200lbs, but I think my bf% has gone down enough that it equals out. and like you said, my lifts have gone up almost more than I expected.

except my deads, not sure why, but I need to do something about that
Dead Deads?

gymcreep said:
yeah, that's really what matters to me, I'd love to be 200lbs, but I think my bf% has gone down enough that it equals out. and like you said, my lifts have gone up almost more than I expected.

except my deads, not sure why, but I need to do something about that
w/out knowing your training sched. it's hard to say why your deads have stalled. I used to do lots of heavy singles to jack the numbers. Do deads on back day. If yur reppin go down to 5 x5's as heavy as u f'n can. On good days do 5-8 sets of ball tearing deads. don't worry bout the reps 3's will do. Nothing builds like deads or heavy ass squats. Go for it. Lookin good so far. Put on some weight and don't try to stay too lean. eat the f'n house bro. you gotta put down some serious numbers at the table too. You gotta train like an animal and eat like one too to get your money's worth from your cycle.