Long workout


New member
I'm sure this has been asked a million times, did a search and couldn't find much though.
occasionally I will spend up to 2 hours in the gym. I know i should bring a gatorade... any carbs or protein? I'm starving by the end.
What exactly would you like to know?? What are you doing for those two hours?? Sports training, conditioning, weights, running, what?? It all depends bro....
Ok for example started with 25 minutes cardio, felt lathargic and wanted to get the blood flowing, Then to weight training, felt i was lagging so really blasted tri's and back, somehow the time got up to about 2 hours.
I usually try to keep the weight training to an hour,just some times you have get beat down a bit.
What exactly would you like to know?? What are you doing for those two hours?? Sports training, conditioning, weights, running, what?? It all depends bro....

You still aint really give us any idea what you want.

Whats your goals give us some stats and then ask a question then we can get somewhere.
2nd cycle

500mg test e / 3rd week in


lift 4 days a week

Try to do some form of cardio every off day, like I said in my post sometimes i will start with a half hour cardio to get the blood moving.

Don't have a huge bar set, just would like to add a bit of solid muscle and on the back half of the cycle try to shed a little fat.

I just want to know if 2 hours is to long to go without protein on long workout days. My guess is I should try and bring a shake for halway through..
I'd say you guess is right.

If your gonna do 2 hour workouts I'd advise on taking a pre, mid and post workout shake this should take care of the protein issue.

If your feeling tired before your workouts, it could be diet related you may be too low on carbs.
Thanks for the info, will do.
If anything the carbs are still a bit high.

Its ok I found a pre workout crack if I need it, Dymatize engerized xpand. IMO it blows n.o. xplode and superpump away.
Thanks for the info, will do.
If anything the carbs are still a bit high.

Its ok I found a pre workout crack if I need it, Dymatize engerized xpand. IMO it blows n.o. xplode and superpump away.

It makes complete sense that your body really needs Dymatize as opposed to carbohydrates.
Its ok I found a pre workout crack if I need it, Dymatize engerized xpand. IMO it blows n.o. xplode and superpump away.

D-Bol is better

I think Suareezay gave the best advice thus far, by far...

a nice simple sugar/whey mix is very good to use during long workout... I used to use 16oz of Gatorade (in a 32oz bottle), 25 grams of whey, and then fill the rest with water... its pretty watered down, but it most definitely keeps your blood levels stable and keeps some calories in you

make sure about 30-45 minutes pre-workout you eat some lean protein and complex carbs and you should be all set
My workouts aren't 2 hours bro, but if they are longer I sip on a shake and nibble on rice cakes throughout. Works great.