Look flat, no motivation/gear anymore.. acne.. advice bruhs..


New member
Hey guys.. i'm 22 now and i did a few small cycles on a show..
I've been off for around 8 months now and look very small/ flat...
Smaller than i was when i was natural..

I feel weak, no motivation, diet all over the place.
I lifted for around 6-7 years now, started a few cycles around 2 years ago.

I'd say 3 cycles : (2) test 100 eod and var 50mg a day
Then for my show i threw in 50 mg tren ace every day

Tren fkd me up. I now have crazy acne on my back and stomach shoulders.. starting to go away now.
Vitamin b5, doxy/moni/tetra cycline doesnt help anymore.. zinc.. creams.. topical accutane, accutane doesnt help it

I feel very weak all the time, tired early in my workout.. weakest ive been all my life..
I usually eat 1lb chicken or more a week.. oatmeal every morning
But i recently started working alot.. truck driver, pounding 16 hours a day.. sleeping 1-2 times a day in my truck
messes with my diet.. lift 2 x a week now, i feel very depressed now when i think about it..

do you bruhs have any suggestions? I dont want to juice anymore its not for me i always break out..
ive had a girl for 2 years now and i dont act like a zyzz knt anymore, low confidence in the gym, wear hoodies now
as opposed to cutoffs feel like i have social anxiety and i used to be the most fun confident mff....

what shud i do zzzzz =\\

Here are some pics. . of how i used to look and how i look now...
I was 170lb shredded and now im 158 slightly chubby

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It really sounds like you have low test levels. Like Paul said, you should run a full hormonal panel and see where everything is at. You might have to run HcG and PCT and hope you recover.

As far as you being a truck driver, find a flexible dieting plan or IIFYM(If it Fits your Macros). There is tons of "to go" foods you can buy at any grocery store that you drive by that have all the nutritional information on the back. it's not the healthiest but it's still better than eating at fast foods(which I assume you do). But besides it not being the healthiest, you can hit your fitness goals. Before all that however get your levels checked.
Sounds like you need to check your T levels brother....

Go see your doc and get bloods done - you need to find out where you are at currently so you can structure your road to recovery.

Good luck and keep us informed!
Luckily my insurance covers bloods 100% now yay÷ no more paying 700$.. just got my doctors note and on my way for full screening. I'll post results