Looking Better = Less Sleep and Less Testosterone?


New member
I was a bodybuilder for a long time. Last year I injured my back badly. I havent worked out in 18 months. In that time I couldnt sleep at all because of the pain. I was getting roughly 4hrs of non deep sleep a night. However, I have never gotten more female attention in my life than in the past year.

The lack of sleep seemed to change my face for the better. Almost all my acne went away, all the redness and blotchiness faded, my face lost water weight, my skin on my face seemed to thin out even more, facial hair just looked better, face was more matte looking. My weight also remained the same.

Now im still ****** up but ive been able to sleep better as of late. And already my face is pudgier, my face is blotchy again, acne has broken out, facial hair looks less noticable, face is extremely oily, more body odour.

Diet has remained the exact same. I literally eat the same foods everyday and just adjust less or more based on weight/hunger.

Im chalking it up loss of sleep to leading to less hormone production, less sex hormones/less testosterone.

Its just odd because Ive always heard the opposite, that lack of sleep makes you look like crap.

Does this make any sense?
As long as I eat healthy, I generally function better than everyone I meet on 4 hours of sleep a night. Though its quite a bit of REM sleep from what I can tell(My body I assume adapted to the schedule after like 10 years of it).

Generally I keep a skinny profile with my face and my facial hair stands out. Never really had oily skin so no issue there as well. When I sleep longer than 6 hours I feel like crap and usually look like it and have a foggy mind.

Maybe it just varies by how your wired.

Personally I can slam a monster and sleep, and wake up 4 hours later ready to go. I actually swear I get deeper and more efficient and enjoyable sleep if I drink an energy drink before passing out....So maybe I am just odd. They give me wicked weird dreams and I like that ^.^ And I seem to wake up with the "pop" from them in the morning ready to go.