Looking for a cycle that won't mess with the hairline

Liquid silver

New member
When I was 25 my hair started to thin a bit on the sides I started finastride and minoxidil twice a day. It's been 5 years and it's worked well to stop my hair loss. I don't think my hair has thinned anymore since I've started this. I have a horrible scar across my head that's covered by my hair from a really bad 4 wheeler accident I was involved in as a kid and REALLY want to keep my hair. I've been on hgh 2ius a day for about 10 months and I'm thinking about adding a basic cycle to go with it this winter. What is recommended that shouldn't have any affect on the hair line? I was thinking about adding 300 Mgs of test e a week for 12 weeks. Taking it 3 times a week in 100 mg doses. I've searched and got really mixed reviews on a hair safe steroid cycle. Thanks for your replys
You need to choose your priorities. Muscle gains or hair. Which is more important?

If you are prone to hair loss, cycles tend to accelerate the process.
Thankfully Ive still got a good set of hair..I guess I jsut got lucky. Mothers father was about as bald as they come and so were the lines up. But like said...pick which is more important to you. the hairloss isnt a guaranteed to happen, but then again neither is muscle (if you do everything else right then yes)