Looking for advice for a lean cycle


New member
I'm wondering if an eq and hcg only cycle would work for me. I'm looking for super dry gains.
I've ran test/mast a couple times with good results and have stayed dry but test always give me a big bloated face and I'm trying to avoid that.
You need to run test with any cycle,, unless you like feeling like a bitch and having no testosterone in your system.. If test gives you a bloated face then you need to better control your e2,, run arimidex from the start of your cycle to stay "dry".. If your BF% is relatively low then a test/masteron cycle should be a decent "dry" cycle, but again keep estrogen under control
You need to run test with any cycle,, unless you like feeling like a bitch and having no testosterone in your system.. If test gives you a bloated face then you need to better control your e2,, run arimidex from the start of your cycle to stay "dry".. If your BF% is relatively low then a test/masteron cycle should be a decent "dry" cycle, but again keep estrogen under control

I naturally very lean and would like to stay that way. I know diet plays a massive role in all this but even with a good diet I seem to just have more bloat than normal. What's the lowest does of test I could add that would help?

Thanks for the reply
The bloating can be controlled by an AI and once u r done with ur cycle bloating goes away. Eat clean and u will have good results. You need test to grow so id say 4-500mg a week of test e or c would be good
Use test as a "base" in any cycle
when I blast tren I feel better on low test (200mg/week), higher tren, Def not recommending tren for u but I find low test.and higher tren works wonders if diet and training is in check
let tren.do the work.and keep your test set low
Like the others said you need at least a small amount of test. EQ is not test but the body will still shut down while on EQ. Without actual test in your body you will essentially mentally become like a woman. Very Moody, emotional, and at some point you will have ED problems. A small trt dose is all thats needed. like 200mg a week. If your getting bloated then your not properly controlling your E, and quite possibly eating sloppy. If your diet is near perfect you can get away with lower amounts of AI, but you still need it.

Gear is not a perfect fix. it's a means to an end. No one goes on a test cycle with the mentality that in the middle of it he will look his best. At least not an experienced Bodybuilder. It's only after other compounds are introduced and usually a much lower test dose and not test C or E that the desired look is achieved. You have to learn to sacrifice a little of your lean look to grow. As good as gear is when used properly its still very hard to have your cake and eat it too.
I naturally very lean and would like to stay that way. I know diet plays a massive role in all this but even with a good diet I seem to just have more bloat than normal. What's the lowest does of test I could add that would help?

Thanks for the reply

Test doesn't effect leanness , non leanness, or fat.. If staying lean is your goal then it can surely happen while on test.. Plenty of pro BBs and physique guys run 1000s of mg of test and stay lean as can be. It's because of their diet and training, test won't make them fat, but a bad diet could
an ai, lower sodium and MASSIVE water intake to flush out will be the ticket but remember; water retention is good to a degree as it s 1 way that aas work by helping both your blood and the water which is carrying all the essential element s that keep u in a muscle building state....carry more of same to repair tore down muscle. I can get lean as shit on test usin g ai s and drowning myself....it s what ur priorities are mate. I get tired of feeling full and or pissing every 20 minutes...
I should have mentioned my bloat seems to be contributed to estrogen sides when taking test. Just running 250mg test e I started getting gyno sides and had to run adex .25 eod.
I'd like to cycle again but I need to figure out how to control the estro/bloat sides affects
I should have mentioned my bloat seems to be contributed to estrogen sides when taking test. Just running 250mg test e I started getting gyno sides and had to run adex .25 eod.
I'd like to cycle again but I need to figure out how to control the estro/bloat sides affects

You need to ALWAYS run an AI when you run test, from day one.. That's how you control estrogen and bloat
Okay so what would dosages look like if I wanted to run a mild cycle of eq/hcg/test?
If I was running a "base" of 200mg test a week what would the rest look like.
Eq will greatly stimulate your appetite.. Are you on a good diet and wanting to stay lean?
Why are you choosing eq? If your low BF and not wanting to bulk, there's lots of choices.

If you want to stay lean and add quality muscle and you can keep your diet in check then 300-400 mg of test with 500 mg or more of eq should be fine.. But heck you could just run test only and with the right diet do just fine
For my body test only is out of the picture, I blow up extremely fast and don't look great and have trouble retaining the gains I make.
I'm looking for gradual high quality muscle gains that's I'll be able to retain and get really dry and vascular in the process
For my body test only is out of the picture, I blow up extremely fast and don't look great and have trouble retaining the gains I make.
I'm looking for gradual high quality muscle gains that's I'll be able to retain and get really dry and vascular in the process

Ok then.

Test base.. + Run primobolan 14 + weeks.. Solid quality lean gains, no fluff

You need to have a good source for quality primo though
That sounds like exactly what I'm looking for if I can afford, I know it's quite pricey.
Oral vs injectable?

Any help on where to look...? Lol
Oral is pretty old school,, most UGL , if it's real and not eq, have primo e at 100mg/10 ml.. I got a prescription for primo and the pharmacy only sends out 100mg/10 ml injectable form.