You need to run test with any cycle,, unless you like feeling like a bitch and having no testosterone in your system.. If test gives you a bloated face then you need to better control your e2,, run arimidex from the start of your cycle to stay "dry".. If your BF% is relatively low then a test/masteron cycle should be a decent "dry" cycle, but again keep estrogen under control
I naturally very lean and would like to stay that way. I know diet plays a massive role in all this but even with a good diet I seem to just have more bloat than normal. What's the lowest does of test I could add that would help?
Thanks for the reply
I should have mentioned my bloat seems to be contributed to estrogen sides when taking test. Just running 250mg test e I started getting gyno sides and had to run adex .25 eod.
I'd like to cycle again but I need to figure out how to control the estro/bloat sides affects
Okay so what would dosages look like if I wanted to run a mild cycle of eq/hcg/test?
If I was running a "base" of 200mg test a week what would the rest look like.
For my body test only is out of the picture, I blow up extremely fast and don't look great and have trouble retaining the gains I make.
I'm looking for gradual high quality muscle gains that's I'll be able to retain and get really dry and vascular in the process