Looking for guidance


New member
Hi guy's newbie here..It has been about 25 years or so since I did my last cycle..I am now 47 and looking to do this again..Here is my story..I checked my testerone blood levels back in May to see where my reading was and it was 350 I belive and felt that this was low, being tired and what not..My doctor put me on 1 shot a month (300 mil) and didnt do much so he did twice a month same amount and was pretty good and felt great (545)..He said it was too high and went back to once a month to (300) and now my reading was just (223)...wtf!...I figured somehthing was a-miss because I been traing my balls of and not much that I seen in way of strength and size wise etc..My family seen a diffrence but I havent.. Here is my dilemma I am currntly taking finistride because my hair actually started thinning out with the testerone injections up front part of the scalp and since stopped since I been taking finistride... I want to do a cycle of test with deca but with finistride I dont think you are suppose to do this with deca...My question can I in fact just do the testerone and that is it instead of doing the stacks and if so how much a week should I do, its been a long time since I have done so and I would imagine things change as I didnt do stacks back in the day..I am 6-1 208lbs and work out 6 days a week religiuosly..

Like I said would love to do the deca with it but do not feel like losing my hair either without taking finstride..Baldness does NOT run in my family so I am sure this is from ther testerone..

Hope to hear from anyone that can shed some light on this for me...thanks

Thanks and look forward to any help I can get...
First change your doctor...not sure who hands out one 300mg shot a month but his area of expertise sure as shit isn't TRT.

Next, the good gents here generally recommend a test E or C 1st cyle at about 500-600mg per week split into 2 shots at 250-300mg/week. That's it. No deca or orals so you know your sides. Some listen to that some don't.

Normally a PCT would follow but if you're going to stay on via the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) then it's not necessary. However, I would find a new doctor before you jump into a cycle so you won't need the post cycle therapy (pct). Get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in order then run the cycle.
Thanks Hell Yea...I just think he is being overly cautious, he has been my doctor since I was very young and really has no idea about this studff apparently as he confides with a uroligist..he does not know i am going to do a cycle as I have not told him this as I am doing solo without him..All my blood work came back great btw other that the low test so that is why i decided to do this..Also what is PCT?
PCT = Post Cycle Therapy.

I would go the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) route with a better more up-to-date doctor. Most of the succesful testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocols involve pinning twice per week. I would read everything you can in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum before making your choice to run a simple cycle then crashing without post cycle therapy (pct). If you are worried about hairloss, then just avoid Deca.
I would do Test E at 500mg a week for 10 weeks. If it is your irst cycle in that long, I would recommend just doing the testosterone.

It gets tricky because testosterone at that high of a dose (500mg a week) for a long period of time (TRT) can have negative effects. I would honestly recommend cycling at that dose. You could run into issues with a high dose for an extended amount of time... such as: enlarged prostate(cancer) , possible liver disease, baldness, aggression blah blah blah. These are only side effects for long term high dosage use without cycling. Roid rage is a myth.

To cycle you will need:

HCG 250IU Twice a week throughout the cycle stop at the beginning of post cycle therapy (pct).
Stane 12.5mg ED

post cycle therapy (pct):
Clomid 50mg for 4 weeks

For TRT:
I would run 125- 250mg a week split up into two doses for 3 months or so. Then come off with a post cycle therapy (pct) such as Caber @50mg for 4 weeks. Then after the post cycle therapy (pct) is finished wait 3 months and repeat.

I doubt you will need stane on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). The last month of the cycle I would start HCG at 250IU twice a week to jump start your post cycle therapy (pct). Finish the HCG when you begin your post cycle therapy (pct).


A normal male (in 20's) produces about 6mg of testosterone a day. So for a week this would be 42mg. Even at 125mg a week for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you would have 3 times what a young male has. With your age I'd say you would increase your testosterone by 6 times even at 125mg a week. You will feel much better in health with TRT.

post cycle therapy (pct) is VERY important, if not the most important part of the entire cycle. NEVER run a cycle without having your post cycle therapy (pct) ready and in order. Your body halts production of testosterone when it detects you're getting it from an outside source. With the production of testosterone completely shut down naturally, the post cycle therapy (pct) helps bring that natural production back. The HCG will trick your body into still producing natural testosterone even though it is receiving it from an outside source.
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First change your doctor...not sure who hands out one 300mg shot a month but his area of expertise sure as shit isn't TRT.

Next, the good gents here generally recommend a test E or C 1st cyle at about 500-600mg per week split into 2 shots at 250-300mg/week. That's it. No deca or orals so you know your sides. Some listen to that some don't.

Normally a post cycle therapy (pct) would follow but if you're going to stay on via the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) then it's not necessary. However, I would find a new doctor before you jump into a cycle so you won't need the post cycle therapy (pct). Get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in order then run the cycle.

^^^^^ THIS x 1000 ^^^^^^

Get your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) figured out FIRST, then you can play with your new shiny toys. ;) Your doctor shouldn't be prescribing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if he has no clue how it works or what optimal levels are for a man. Time to find a new doc in my opinion.

My .02c :)
Thanks guys been long time and feel like I am starting over...times have changed for sure from 20 years ago..Just need to know what the term PCT means is all, not up on the acronyms...Also is finistride enough for me taking at 1MG a day to keep my hair from falling out during the cycle >