Looking for help setting up a cutting diet while on test


New member
First post here, apologies if this has been covered before. Hoping for some personalised help.

I'm 35 years old, 176cm, 103kg and 20% BF (DEXA scan). I have a 9-5 desk job. I weight train 5 days a week (60 min each) and 3 days of cardio (2x30 minute spin classes during the week and a 60km cycle on a weekend day).

For the last 5-6 weeks, I've been eating around 2200 calories while on 500mg/week of test. Also been taking 0.25mg aremed eod. The main reason I started on test is because I got diagnosed with hypogonadism. Of course I've upped my dose as my doc only had me on 250mg every 3 weeks which made me feel like shit.

Anyway, based on the above, I've only lost a couple of KG on the scale. However, I've definitely gotten bigger up top and stronger. And my stomach has reduced. The number on the scale is a bit unmotivating but I won't fixiate on that.

I'd like a calories/macro suggestion on the same cycle to Around 12% bf in the next 10 weeks if possible. I also have clen if it help

Ultimately, my goal is 90kg at 10%bf

Many thanks in advance
Welcome to the site! Hows your diet looking? what symptoms classifieds you for hypo? Who said you had it?