Yea, maybe took that comparison a bit overboard... not maybe, I did take it overboard haha. But I hope you get what I meant. Didn't mean to come off as a know it all and what not.
Kaytothe, glad you decided to wait on the SDMZ 2.0. Idk anyone who's taken katandrol or have any experience with it, but from what I've read it seems to be a straight up cutting PH with little room for mass building. DMZ is more of a bulker. I would run the DMZ by itself while you bulk, bulk through PCT to not loose gains, and for another 2-3 weeks after PCT to be safe. Then, if you'd want you can start cutting, and after 3-4 weeks throw in the katanadrol, as it seems like it's pretty mild a PH, to finish up the cut.
I know people say time on+PCT = time off, but katanadrol is non methylated, so it should be g2g soon after your cycle of DMZ. Then after all this is said and done give yourself a nice few month break and enjoy the gains
edit: I agree with Nick as well. Best run stuff alone and see how you respond and then go on ahead and stack them. Makes it more fun, get to see the differences. Also you will understand which sides each compound will give you if run separately.