Looking for some help with cycle


New member
My first cycle was about 3 yrs ago and had some really good gains off of it. I was 190 w/14% BF and at the end of the cycle i was 215 w/11% BF but got lazy at the end and didnt PCT properly.

Im looking to do my 2nd cycle now and trying to find adex, nolva, and clomid to make sure that i run this properly this time. Any help with that would be greatly appreciated.

I was considering running eq also but never messed with it and was looking for some insight on it as well?


Age: 28
BF%: 14
Weight: 212
Height: 5'10

gear: Test 300 w/ possibly eq

Can anyone help with some advice?

Bloodwork panel is ordered
ive done some research over the past few weeks as ive been getting back into it
I would run test at 500wk rather than add eq. What are your goals for this cycle. You have to run eq pretty high and for a good length of time to see good results and your RBC will be off the charts.
My goals right now are get back around the 10-11 bf%.

The diet right now is 50% protein / 30% fats / 20% carbs going on about 2800 calories a day. I'm hoping going this route will not only build the physique but get me to that 10-11% goal.
ive read thru austinite's thread several times on how to get the baseline numbers to follow the diet and also considering giving 3j a call to really get me on the right path
It has been a while since your last cycle. I would recommend a simple cycle to get back into the game. Test, AI, hCG. And the Clomid + Nolva for PCT. Maybe add an oral at the end of your cycle if it is going well. Not at the beginning though as that could complicate things like estrogen management for you.
why are people still doing cycles? i will never understand this

pct is a made up concept in the 90's by some fools to help them earn money

just cruise and blast, why would somebody go OFF and then later go ON is beyond me and beyond any logic. ONLY go off if you plan to be off forever or atleast years to come but even then WHY not stay on 200mg's test per week, only good effects and no bad ones
why are people still doing cycles? i will never understand this

pct is a made up concept in the 90's by some fools to help them earn money

just cruise and blast, why would somebody go OFF and then later go ON is beyond me and beyond any logic. ONLY go off if you plan to be off forever or atleast years to come but even then WHY not stay on 200mg's test per week, only good effects and no bad ones

Let me think... perhaps because guys don't want to be married to a needle for the rest of their lives?
Let me think... perhaps because guys don't want to be married to a needle for the rest of their lives?

i guess guys then like to torture their bodies, lose all their gains, feel like utter shit and LOOK like it and THEN start the process all over again

yes , smart indeed!
Your a moron. Stop spewing out stupid advice.

what is this kindergarden? i am speaking from 17yrs of real life experience and coaching over 100 clients over many years. to react like this is childish and ignorant

thanks for your insightful and VERY argumentative statement which says nothing about me since i am fully right on this and have arguments but says everything about you since you have zeero arguments and can ONLY attack ad hominem (yes look that word up) to prove your point

cycling and stopping is nonsense, just cruise and blast, every single smart bodybuilder will tell you that.
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i guess guys then like to torture their bodies, lose all their gains, feel like utter shit and LOOK like it and THEN start the process all over again

yes , smart indeed!

There are ways to cycle so this doesn't happen. You just have to be open to learning new things. Lots of advances have been made in the AAS game over the last 17 years. Keep hanging out here and reading -- you may learn a thing or two. And we will hopefully learn a few things from you too.
There are ways to cycle so this doesn't happen. You just have to be open to learning new things. Lots of advances have been made in the AAS game over the last 17 years. Keep hanging out here and reading -- you may learn a thing or two. And we will hopefully learn a few things from you too.
what advanced? you go off = not good, always stay on low dose of test atleast. nothing new in this realm
what advanced? you go off = not good, always stay on low dose of test atleast. nothing new in this realm

Guess you are just stuck in your ways. That's great if it works for you. Many of us like to incorporate advances that have been made in medicine over the last couple of decades. To each their own.
Guess you are just stuck in your ways. That's great if it works for you. Many of us like to incorporate advances that have been made in medicine over the last couple of decades. To each their own.

care to explain WHATa dvances thy is talking about in the steroid game? did i miss a medicine that lets you keep all the muscles, keeps you feeling good BUT you aint on steroids? cause i dont think so
care to explain WHATa dvances thy is talking about in the steroid game? did i miss a medicine that lets you keep all the muscles, keeps you feeling good BUT you aint on steroids? cause i dont think so

I guess you are right. I never thought about it like that. Only exogenous bioidentical testosterone is capable of letting you keep gains and feel good. The endogenous natural testosterone made in your testicles is worthless. Might as well shut that crap off.