Looking for some insight from experienced peptides users


New member
I been involved with bodybuilding on and off since 1990 and the one area that I have never really shown any interest in nor took the time to research is peptides and research chems. Recently I have been hearing a lot about GHRP-2 and the ever so obvious IGF as it pertains to peptides but I was watching a few videos where these guys talk about what they used in conjunction with training, diet and anabolics but I keep hearing more and more about peptide usage. I have seen peptides around for a few years now but always chalked them up to another "pro hormone" craze but the results of those who are incorporating them into their cycles is undeniable.

Can anyone share their thoughts about peptides, suggest some good resources for research as well as mention their experiences with the use of peptides, ie, which ones did you use, dosages, etc.

I really appreciate the time you guys take to answer my questions. Thanks in advance.

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I also ignored them for years. but it is no BS if you use then right.
I LOVER and rec ghrp stacked with cjc or sermorealin, or even just IGF1 Des or LR3. awesome stuff.
here is a small thread i made on peps-----V


Hey man! Awesome peptide post you created. Very interesting and I feel like I have a better understanding of peptides. I am going to begin a bulking cycle that looks like this:

Week 1 - 10: Test 800mg per week
Week 1 - 10: Deca 600mg per week
Week 1 - 5: Anavar 50mg Ed (I like Anavar over Dbol and Anadrol. I prefer the hardness it provides over the water weight added from Dbol/anadrol).
Week 6 - 10: Tren Acetate 300mg per week
Week 1 - 10: Arimidex .5 Ed
*PCT 5 weeks clomid/nolvadex/hcg

Once I have completed the 5 week pct I am jumping into a cutting cycle
Week 1 - 12: test E 400mg per week
Week 1 - 12: EQ 300mg per week
Week 1 - 12: windy 300mg per week
Week 1 - 12: arimidex .5 Ed
*Same pct as above for 5 weeks

What type of peptide cycle do you think is a good idea to add in to this. I was thinking of running GHRP-2 for the duration but what dosages should I use and do think I should add in any other peptides?
