Looking for some opinions and advice for a first timer


New member
Hi looking for some constructive critisism please

Test 1-12 weeks 250 start possible raise to 500
Exemestane 1-12, 12.5mg (dont know where to buy)
15-16 nolva and clomid (from alldaychemist) 40/40/20/20, 20/20/20/20

Will be staying in keto in a slight deficit possible raising calls depending on progress

Opinions plz

Bf 12%

Don't start without an ai. Rui, a sponsor here, sells them.

I'd run 500mg from the start. Extend your cycle to 14-16 weeks. First cycle is usually the best so don't fuck around with TRT doses or cycles that end too soon after you've hit your peak.

Get bloodwork before cycle to get your test baseline, and mid cycle to check e2.

You might consider running hcg for the best chance of recover.

Welcome to the board. :wavey:

OH height ?

Yes make sure the AI is in there. You can get Liquidex ( adex) from RUI , see the banner top of page.
No sense at all starting with 250mgs . That is a low dose and when you get shut down your level of Test will not be much improved for your Goal....What are you goals.

You should really do 500mgs week. However read all the stickys and the beginner cycle thread, before you get started.

Make sure everything is ready.
Blood work Pre cycle mid and two weeks after PCT