looking for someone to get me a diet/meal plan.


New member
First off let me say im new here, i was recomnded here by a very good friend from IM.

Im currently finishing up my post cycle therapy (pct) and looking into my next cycle.

Diet is the worst for me. Its the thing i slack on the most but its one of the most important things imo. I was told to come on here and that there was 2 different guys on here i should talk to. to be honest i dont remeber there names becuase im at work and the paper it wrote the names on is at home.

my goals are to bulk up while staying cut and cutting up even more if possible. thats abbout it for right now.

Long story short, Im not looking for someone to say, whats your diet like? and then try to tweak it becuase i have no diet im looking to get one and im willing to pay!