Looking for stacking and dosing help.


New member
Hey everyone new to the thread. I have done my research and and trying to clear up some things. I am currently on TRT Test Cyp 125mg/wk. I was thinking of adding some peptides to aid in the weight loss process. My Dr. offers Sermorelin treatment at 250.00 bucks a month.... I know I can find Sermorelin online and recon my self, so my question is since Sermorelin is a GHGH peptide like CJC no dac, what else can i stack it with? I have a friend that is on the following stack:

250 mcg ghrp 6 and 100 mcg cjc no dac upon waking, post workout and pre bed
250 mcg hgh frag pre bed

Can I add Sermorelin to this? Sub it for something in the current stack, or other suggestions?

Also, There are many different theories on recon. Most go with, if I am not mistaken, .5ml BW per MG of peptide. I.e 2mg HGH Frag 1 ml BW?

I am also a little confused as to which to pin 1st and what to eat around the time I pin these? Thanks


255 lbs
25% bf
30 years old
lift 5 times a week
Cardio 5-6 times a week
Diet: Carb cycling. 4 days low 1 day high.
Look up 3j. He's a diet guru. I agree with peptides being a waste of cash. Spend your money on better things like a diet coach...