Looking into running first test e cycle due due to a plateau, would love suggestions


New member
Hey everyone, so this is my first post, and due to my aversion to reading giant walls of text, im going to try and keep this short.
So I am currently 21 turning 22 (I know..) and have been stuck at the same point for almost a year now.
My profile picture is me in 2012, and me now. Got pretty fucked genetically, and had to work my ass off to even look average sized
for reference, my lifts went from
Bench: 65x1 -> 195x1
Squat: 95x5 -> 275x3
Dead: 135x3 -> 375x3

These numbers have all been the same since 2015, regardless of what program I run. Ive done PHAT twice, Stronglifts twice, shortcut to size, arnold blueprint (before i realized it wasnt really for nattys) for reference
Diet is ~4500 cals a day, with about 200g protein
So, due to me wanting real gainz, I planning on running Madcow until the end of the semester and hoping i make some progress, and then running my first test e cycle this summer
400 test e/10 weeks with nolva as needed
clomid pct

Basically what im asking is- what am i getting myself into?
I am planning on buying from Sciroxx labs, are they legit?
What can I expect from this, and is it worth it to finally get size?

Thanks everyone and I appreciate the feedback
Ok so look all you want but wait till your 25. Spend your money on a diet consultant you will have better results. At your age your natural Testosterone levels are plenty high . If you can't grow now you won't grow on steroids. Its 80% diet. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear it is the truth. At you age anything you gain you will loos in 6 months anyway because you haven't learned to eat to grow.
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my test serum is 671, and diet is good. is it just because i started so small that im having trouble catching up?
Welcome to the board. :wavey:

You are young and seem to be maturing slowly and maybe a little late. This by looking at the pics you show. No offense but you still have a little boy frame and it might get bigger and wider at your shoulders with a few more years.

Waiting until you are 25 might be a key for your genetic growth and potential to get going. If you start now I think you will fill with water and not so much building muscle mass. It takes time, years.

I don't know what your training is like but remember to train for complete overload. Read up on that. Do you have a workout partner? That can make a big difference for reaching overload and beyond.

You might damage your endocrine system if you start before you finish growing and YOU have not. Introducing exogenous Testosterone will shut your own production down and may not re-start at this age. Then you will end up on TRT and have to stick yourself with a needle for the rest of your life...Really.

Go back to where you first came in to post and read the sticky posts. All of them and learn what you are going to get involved with the use of AAS (steroids)

Good luck reading and come back here with your Q's to understand what you do not. Good Luck and stick with us.
I really don't think you've come close to optimizing your diet and training yet.. You've got a lot to learn, jumping on gear now without having optimized diet and training is going to throw too many variables at you, and any gains that you get will be temporary , and then not only will you loose them when you come off , you could have a suppressed hpta and it will make it even more difficult to make gains.

your diet is off . your eating 4500 calories but only 200 grams of protein, that means your probably eating 600+ grams of carbs. that needs to change.

your training is off . your doing layne nortons PHAT training , thats for advanced lifters with an emphasis on power lifting. you need to look into hypetrophy specific training for body composition, at this point imo.

if you hit a wall in your training and stop making gains, there are definitely ways to get through that by changing your diet and training without going to gear (especially at your young age)
I would focus on diet. Without the proper fuel, you won't make gains. You might be way ahead of yourself with training too. Focus on the compound movements for now. Less is more. I've got great gains doing just this. Bench press, military press, squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, pull ups and dips. The meat and potatoes lifts. You will use a lot of muscles doing these lifts. Gotta get your diet on point first. Gear won't replace a shitty diet. Check out 3j.
Thanks guys, the input means a lot. I think I'll lay off the gear for now and worry more about eating at the right ratio and working out less to allow myself more recovery time
FYI looking at your picture you need to work on your training program too.Your arms shoulders and chest don't show an signs of working out. I see there is a change in the before and after. I'm not trying to knock you but you don't even have a base to build on yet. You have a long way to go with training and diet before you hit your body's potential. Some times it takes years to tune a diet and training program. It's not a race. The cool thing is the girls love the abs and your not far from that. At you age chest, shoulders, Bi's and Tri's and abs.

Let's talk about your work out program. How often and what's the protocol.

How many days a week?
How many
Muscle groups a day?
How many excercise per muscle group?
How many sets and how many reps.
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Hey everyone, so this is my first post, and due to my aversion to reading giant walls of text, im going to try and keep this short.
So I am currently 21 turning 22 (I know..) and have been stuck at the same point for almost a year now.
My profile picture is me in 2012, and me now. Got pretty fucked genetically, and had to work my ass off to even look average sized
for reference, my lifts went from
Bench: 65x1 -> 195x1
Squat: 95x5 -> 275x3
Dead: 135x3 -> 375x3

These numbers have all been the same since 2015, regardless of what program I run. Ive done PHAT twice, Stronglifts twice, shortcut to size, arnold blueprint (before i realized it wasnt really for nattys) for reference
Diet is ~4500 cals a day, with about 200g protein
So, due to me wanting real gainz, I planning on running Madcow until the end of the semester and hoping i make some progress, and then running my first test e cycle this summer
400 test e/10 weeks with nolva as needed
clomid pct

Basically what im asking is- what am i getting myself into?
I am planning on buying from Sciroxx labs, are they legit?
What can I expect from this, and is it worth it to finally get size?

Thanks everyone and I appreciate the feedback

Welcome to the boards man !
If all numbers have been the same since 2015 you must be doing something wrong. Have you increased your overall caloric intake during this time ? What does your program look like besides bench, squat and deads ?
No matter how genetically fucked you were from the get go you can still create a physique that will blow people away not on stage but in your daily life there's no need for you to look like Phil Heath if your goal is getting girls or just overall well being.
If you stay natty you have to focus on the compound lifts in the beginning of your workouts every single time ! And if you haven't tried it yet, boost up your volume it's often the missing link especially if you're eating 4500 cals a day and maybe go up to 250g of protein on a 4500 cals diet. Your height and weight would help a lot as well

Example of my back/bi's/rear delt workout at the moment
Weighted pullups: 50 reps (sometimes it's 5 sets other times it takes 7)
Rack pull: 4-6 sets 8-12 reps
Lat pulldown: 3 sets supinated / 3 sets pronated 8-12 reps
Seated cable row: 4 sets 6-12 reps
Face pulls: 4 sets 8-10 reps
Rear delt:
Reverse cable crossover: 3 sets 10-15 reps
Rear delt fly: 3 sets 8-12 reps
Reverse pec dec: 3 sets 10-15 reps
Weighted chin ups: 3 sets 6-12 reps
Ez bar curl: 3 set close-grip / 3 set wide-grip 8-12 reps

This is pretty much my routine I of course switch a compound or isolation exercise if I stall in it for too long. I'm never in the gym more than 90 minutes tops. Hope this helps a bit.