Looking to do my first cycle


New member
Im 22 6'3 180 pounds been working out for about a year now straight. Ive read alot about different types of steroids and from what I read testosterone would be a good cycle to experiment with as a beginner. What be a good dosage to start off with ?? its nolvadex enough for pct ? Are anti estrogens mandatory throughout your cycle? What are odds of getting bitch tits.. ?

Im simply looking for advice I am not doing the cycle yet. Haven't even consider doing it yet
Whoa tiger. Read. You asked some very basic questions that but be better off answered through research so that you retain the information. Or hire a trainer that tells you exactly what to do when and even then ignorance is no excuse.

And you must be considering using if you're asking questions and reading about it?
Read all the stickies and come back when your knowledgable and ready. So much info out there its insane, I read these forums for 6 months before I was ready and had all my questions answered.
I'm not considering just wondering and wanted to see if I would consider doing it. Most of the questions I asked are basic questions I know I just want to hear peoples opinions alot of people take different dosages when they first start. Other things i read were that people took more than one type of pct like clomid and nolvadex together. What would be the difference if you just took nolvadex or just took clomid ? Aslo some people say they get lots of gyno and some people dont at all and dont need anti estrogens.. Do most people need it ?
I don't usually post in these kinda threads, but yeah. You are asking very basic questions, that have very diverse answers.
Most of the basic questions can be answered by reading the stickies. Do your research, it's your body and your health your talking about.

I'll answer your basic question though... Yes, typical first cycle is test E for 12 weeks at 500mg per week, while using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Followed by two-three weeks off, then followed by 4 weeks of PCt. as far as what to use for post cycle therapy (pct), you'll get varied answers, and there is no one right answer, just what people have learned from their own personal experiences. Same with gyno and other sides, everyone's body is different, but I doubt you'll find anyone who does a cycle without an AI.
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My thought is: "Why risk getting gyno when you can prevent it guaranteed with proper cycling?" Even though others don't use products like HCG, arimidex, letro, etc. Doesn't mean you shouldn't. It is always better to use and prevent then get boobies and have to reverse it (or get them cut off).

And that thought isn't just for gyno. It's all negative side effects of cycling.
Since you're not doing this cycle and simply seeking information, i will help you out a bit.

What would be a good dosage to start off with? 400mg-500mg/week is the sweet spot to start out with

is nolvadex enough for post cycle therapy (pct)? Nolvadex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) would be excellent.

Are anti estrogens mandatory throughout your cycle? No but it would be best to spend the extra little bit of $ instead of risking the tits

What are odds of getting bitch tits ? Its different for everyone, some people are prone to it, others arnt. Its random but really, why risk it?
Ight thanks alot guys I appreciate everybodys advice and will take my time before starting my first cycle for long while. I just have one more question ... If your take an anti estrogen are you guaranteed not to get boobs ? Or does that to depend on who you are
Depends on the person. Some people are super sensitive and it doesn't matter what they do they still get the sides. Never know until you try, but that's why every one suggests to start with the basics and change things that fit you better.