looking to harden after test/deca Halo?


New member
ok, what do you guys think about using some Halo towards the end of my cycle for about 4 weeks to harden up after my cycle of 800 mg of Cyp and 300mgs of Deca?
i did the searches and basically wanted to get a direct answer. i cant really afford or obtain anything else ie Var Winstrol (winny) or Tren. my supplier has the Var and Winstrol (winny) but at HUGE prices. that is why i was looking at the Halo. Thanks!
well, tren you can make yourself and obtain it legally.... if you wanted to do tren but just couldn't get it, just make it yourself
panteracfh said:
well, tren you can make yourself and obtain it legally.... if you wanted to do tren but just couldn't get it, just make it yourself
I would go with this if your serious about your hard work and Mass gains. Don't short change yourself bro..