Looking to Join the army should i bring my gear with me?


New member
So im looking to join the army but i dont know what to do...i mean should i take my gear with me when i join? or should i leave it at home? i dont know if ill be staying at a camp or something or if i will be allowed to go home.Or if they search my things and find that i have gear thatd suck
your planning on cycling throughout boot camp? with all that structure and strick routines do you think youll be able to go to the head and pin? when i went through boot camp decades ago there were no closed toilets, its all open and everyone can see everyone taking a dump. kind of hard to try to hide the fact that your pinning, and these days they got cams everywhere.
Having said that.... Semper Fi
Where are you going to keep your gear at Boot Camp? In your ass or in your shoe? lol

Sounds like you are too young to be cycling anyway -- let your endocrine system finish developing.