Looks cloudy???


New member
I cooked 50ml of Mast E 200mg, so the beaker i used to put all the BA,BB,CSO and mast powder came out perfect.

But the second batch i made for some reason came out cloudy. The only thing i can think of is that i did not clean the beaker and the left over residue made it that way. Help please?

BTW i injected 1cc of the cloudy mast and no pain or soreness.
yea bro that might be your issue-was it really easy to push the gear through the filter this time compared to the last time?
yea bro that might be your issue-was it really easy to push the gear through the filter this time compared to the last time?

This was like 2 weeks ago. I really cant remember but im sure your right.

I bottled them up already, think it will be OK to re filter?
This was like 2 weeks ago. I really cant remember but im sure your right.

I bottled them up already, think it will be OK to re filter?

yup all you gotta do is re-filter it....buy some new filters dude their cheap. and dont use the same vile cause now its contaminated.

once you filter it, the cloudiness should go away......dont shoot it til its re-filtered.........if you did 1 already youll prolly be fine but keep an eye on it.