Lose fat while bulking


New member
Hi all
I am on my last 6 weeks of a test deca cycle, 10 weeks down.
I am looking at switching from a fairly dirty bulk to a clean bulk.
I have added some nice weight with some bad.
I am a bit of a hard gainer.

I am hoping to lose some body fat in the last couple of weeks.
What are your thoughts.

I am 30 yrs old
Around 17% bf
Been training for 5 yrs

Should I be cutting my carbs at a certain time? Or should I just drop the starches?

My diet:

7 am
6 whole eggs
2 slices toast
Glass of milk


9:30 am
Pwo shake

500ml milk

Beef or chicken stew with rice or pasta

Protein shake

Toast PB/jelly

Beef/chicken/fish and vegetables or rice or pasta

Toast PB/jelly
Glass of milk

Casein protein shake

Any advise to get leaned out without losing possible gains is what I am aiming for.
Here are a few tips/ things you could try-

1. Try to eat at maintenance or slightly above. This one is obvious. There is only so much food your body can use at one time. Keep protein high and carbs moderate.

2. Eat above maintenance for 6 six days of the week and fast on the seventh. I haven't tried this personally, but I know a guy at my gym who uses this method to minimize fat gains while bulking. From what I can see it really works. This is because during a fast your body releases GH and epinephrine which tell your body to use fat as fuel. I have experience with intermittent fasting and find it to be very helpful with fat loss while preserving muscle, so I see no reason why it can't also help with fat loss while building muscle.

3. Eat most of your carbs post workout. This refills your muscle and liver glycogen stores while minimizing the carbs that are stored as fat.

4. Throw in some tren if you can. This seems to be the miracle drug for recomposition. Look at trenbolone studies, the results they give in both fat loss and muscle gain are absolutely fanominal.

Honestly I believe that most people eat way too much when they're bulking up. A pound of muscle is only 600 calories, so people eating 500 calories over maintenance every day will end up with a lot of extra fat to go along with the muscle they gain. The body can only gain a pound or two of muscle every week. This is why people who go on bulking diets are often unsatisfied with their gains.
I'd advise carb cycling. Thats where you start out on day 1 with more of carbs up until evening meals and each day lower the amounts and then after 3 days repeat. Its a lean bulk. It might not be a bad idea to get with 3J to fine tune your diet.
I have been looking at both of these options, carb cycling and the fasting option read about it last night actually. Been looking at carb cycling for quite a while now.
Think I should have a look at 3js options thanks guys.
I started 3J's carb cycling a week ago, So far I like it. A bit too early to tell results, but so far I am happy with the Diet and service from 3J.