lose skin after gyno ????


New member
i had gyno while on my first cycle at the end of the cycle i ran out of nolva so i didn't give attention as the cycle will end soon
the gyno get bigger a little and then stopped
the proplem is that i am on post cycle therapy (pct) now ( clomid) the hard ball behind my nipple is shrinking but it is leaving the nipple lose and when u squeeze it it feel very hollow
is this normal ?????
Don't know anything about gyno never had it but you should have had enough nolvadex to support your cycle. Maybe you should try to get some and run it along with your clomid throughout the duration of your PCT.

Hope you do better.
How old are you? Unless you are an old bastard like me, your skin should have enough elasticity to tighten up. Especially if it is just a small lump from gyno. How large was the lump?
they may just be puffy or you may have some fat built up around them that wasnt there before......do you mean the lump behind your nip was the size of a grape??.......thats some bad gyno, damn!