losing fat while bulking?


New member
Hey guys im 23 6.0' 220 14% bf... I have been doing cardio for 30 min. a day after my workouts and on a diet... Since the diet/cardio i have lost a good amount of fat but have been taking clen/t3. In three weeks i will start my test deca cycle and wondering if i keep my diet and cardio in a straight line will i still see fat lose while this cycle???
getfit said:
Hey guys im 23 6.0' 220 14% bf... I have been doing cardio for 30 min. a day after my workouts and on a diet... Since the diet/cardio i have lost a good amount of fat but have been taking clen/t3. In three weeks i will start my test deca cycle and wondering if i keep my diet and cardio in a straight line will i still see fat lose while this cycle???

As long as you continue to burn more calories than you consume
Over the last eight months I've done two different test/deca cycles at about 300mg a weak each with pretty much the same goals you have. And I gained about twenty five pounds of muscle and I've lost about fourty pounds of fat. I trained each body part once a weak and did an hour of cardio five days a weak. Looking back I think I could have gained more muscle if I had eaten more protien. But I wanted to lose the fat so bad that I dieted to hard. I'm still trying to lose the last 15 lbs. of fat while gaining muscle but now I'm trying to eat 200 to 225 grams of protien a day while consuming less then 3000 calories a day. I weigh 235 and I'm 6'3. So I guess what I'm saying is make sure you eat enough protien and try and burn 500 calories more a day then you consume. What do you guys think about what I wrote?
I think what you said is nearly impossible (gaining 25lbs of muscle and losing 40lbs of fat in 8 monhts) but that's just my opinion
well you can't really have your cake and eat it oo, but yes if your diet/cardio is in the right range you will gain lbm and lose fat but don't expect to get shredded and gain 10lbs of muscle.
outlawtas2 said:
I think what you said is nearly impossible (gaining 25lbs of muscle and losing 40lbs of fat in 8 monhts) but that's just my opinion
Well I just counted and March started the tenth month so I was off when I said eight months. And the 25lbs of muscle and 40lbs of fat are estimates because I didn't get my body fat tested when I started, it's now 16%. I did measure my waist and stomach and my waist went from 43in to 36in. My biceps went from 17 to 18. And I weighed 258lbs. when I started and today I weighed 234lbs. But I've got to say I think I'm real close with my estimates on muscle gain and fat loss. I should add I'm 40 years old and for the three years preceding the last ten months I hadn't worked out at all because I was recovering from back surgery. But before the surgery I had worked out regularly for 15 years. Over the last ten months I did do two different deca/test cycles and for as hard as I've dieted and lifted plus the fact that I was on steroids most of the time I thought I should have made better gains. Why do you find this so unbeleviable? All things considered what would you have expected?
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MikeG said:
Why do you find this so unbeleviable? All things considered what would you have expected?

It just sounds a little extreme, but who am I to say? If you did it then you have something to be proud of :). Hard work pays off.