Losing Weight Like Hell After Dropping AI, Shouldn't It Be The Other Way Around?


New member
Whats up guys,
I'm completely puzzled, its been a week today since I stopped taking my adex and i'm down 8 pounds???? wtf?
I'm getting dryer and my pants are noticeably loose but I f**king hate losing weight on cycle. Shouldn't I be gaining water weight as my estrogen rises?
I'm on 500mg test e & 600mg eq, my workouts and macros haven't changed this past week.

Abit of backstory I crashed my estrogen with 1mg adex & 50mg clomid daily for about 2 months. I did this on purpose to reverse gyno I got from doing a stupid dbol only cycle with no pct. It worked but I want my dick back so I'm raising my estrogen back up.

Just don't understand why I'm losing water weight as my estrogen rises? Was expecting to gain weight..
I would go get some bloodwork done if it were me.

Will do when I get home next week. It is possible my body held on to excess water because my estrogen was crashed for so long and once my estrogen starting to come back it started dropping that water?
Clomid does nothing for gyno. You need to read up on what certain serms do. Actually you probably need to read up on a lot of things. I would check out the ology faq's thread. Your going to need bloodwork for sure. The ology faq's thread will cover what test to get done..
Eat more thats the only reason youd lose weight not enough food

It's all water and I don't think its diet related as my diet has remained the same. There was just a sudden drop in weight when I stopped taking adex, Just found it very weird. My libido is already coming back and my lips aren't as dry so my estrogren is coming back. Ill give it another week and then start with a low adex dose until I find the sweet spot.
You may have read that DHT-like drugs are used for hardening. Well guess what, aromatisable drugs promote bulk through greater water retention, and that is most likely why your weight is increasing.
However, good for you for stopping the AI. Your cholesterol levels will thank you big time ;)