Low Dose Test... Medium/High Dose Deca...... anyone try this? .. get Deca dick?


New member
Thinking about something like this for my next blast....

16 weeks...

200mg a week Test E, 600mg a week Deca
500iuHCG/2x a week, 0.5mg Adex EOD.

wondering if anyone tried this? results? deca dick?
Yes, I've been running 300 test 600 deca for about 14 weeks. Just today I ran out of deca, so I'll stop that and continue on test for a few more weeks, then stop test and try to PCT.

Before that I tried 200 test and 400 deca, and results were only so so. 300/600 was much better.

HCG is ok, adex looks high. I was on 0.25 EOD and suspect my estrogen was a bit low. Stopped the AI for a week when I went out of town and my libido went through the roof.
Yes, I've been running 300 test 600 deca for about 14 weeks. Just today I ran out of deca, so I'll stop that and continue on test for a few more weeks, then stop test and try to PCT.

Before that I tried 200 test and 400 deca, and results were only so so. 300/600 was much better.

HCG is ok, adex looks high. I was on 0.25 EOD and suspect my estrogen was a bit low. Stopped the AI for a week when I went out of town and my libido went through the roof.

No deca dick?.. injections twice a week?... how do you split the Adex pill to 1/4 or are you using liquid?
No deca dick. I had mid cycle bloods and prolactin was ok, estrogen was low. Don't know if I needed it or not, but took 0.25 caber EOD.

I cut open the adex 1mg capsule and divided into four piles, cut up the caber into 1/4's too. 2 injections per week. HCG was 700 IU once per week, but I've since bumped it up to 500 iu 2x pw - nuts have definitely shrunk a bit.
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