Low libido possible prolactin?


New member
Hey guys i'm 21 and I have been experiencing low libido, not much morning wood etc etc. I have never cycled btw. just got my blood work done. Doctor was apprehensive about testing for anything else:

Everything was normal really but:

my total test was 21nmol/l (8.3-30.2)

but my serum prolactin was: 481 miu/l (45-375)

I've honestly always in the back of my mind thought that prolactin was a big player in this, (ie weak orgasms, weaker erections and long refraction period). I'm wondering what if I use a prolactin blocker such as dostinex, cab to see if it's much help? Are these type of drugs just suppressing prolactin when on them or do they sort of chemically balance you and once you get of them you find that you have more normal levels.

Opinions, thoughts? Should I try out dostinex? Will it fuck me up if I run it for a little while see how it goes?

Thanks a lot