Low Sex Drive because of Exercising


New member
I have a muscular body but tendency to gain alot of fat around waist line and on/off I always keep working out, gym, jogging and different kind of sports from past 10 years but what I have noticed that I always have low libido and weak erection whenever I am exercising even I know I never over-train, maximum 4 days a week with maximum 35 to 40 mins total light workout with good sleep high protein diet, multivitamins and a healthy lifestyle.

But whenever I am not working out at all my sexual drive is high and good erections.

Height: 183 CM
Weight: 78kg
Other notes: Little high pitch voice, love handles, TT: 550 - 600. Testicle size is little smaller than other average guy but whenever I tested for TT is always normal.

What could be wrong? Be sure there is no nutritional problem.
That level of exercise should not cause you any problems. Nothing in your post suggests in any way a cause for ED or low libido.

Other medications? Get a blood test?
Did all sort of tests, from thyroid to sugar to all general blood test. Even then got myself test for prolactin, then SHBG too to calculate free T level, that was also normal. I dont remember the figures but back then all was normal.

May be some sort of hypogonadism? producing testosterone slowly or not enough to compensate workout load and eventually gets low T? (thats just my own wild guess) from T levels I got tested at different times, one was while I wasnt working out at all from past 4 months and it was 650 and one while exercising it was 530.
I've seen data that testosterone has to get really quite low before ED results. Like quite a bit below range.

Mine was just under 300 before TRT, and I had low T symptoms but ED was not one of them.

I think the levels you mention are very unlikely to explain ED.
whats your diet look like?? if youre not properly fueling your body and you start exercising the malnutrition will tank your test levels
I am always eating extremely healthy and balanced diet. If I tell you what I had since morning is
1. Breakfast oatmeal porridge with 1tbs Honey + Cashews + walnuts + Multivitamin/Mineral Or 5 boiled eggs.
2. Lunch, 400 grams of Chicken breast filled (baked) with boiled rice.
Evening workout of 15 mins jogging and mix light weight exercise.
3. Dinner 400 grams Beef steak with mix boiled veggies.
4. Before sleep 2 pills of fish oil

I am not on any medication, neither any major disease, yes sometimes heart palpitation and low bp.
Strange.. Its not the best diet ever but it's healthy.. And calories seem to be high enough

I don't think it's exercise that drops your see drive though.. There is another underlying cause
I have a muscular body but tendency to gain alot of fat around waist line and on/off I always keep working out, gym, jogging and different kind of sports from past 10 years but what I have noticed that I always have low libido and weak erection whenever I am exercising even I know I never over-train, maximum 4 days a week with maximum 35 to 40 mins total light workout with good sleep high protein diet, multivitamins and a healthy lifestyle.

But whenever I am not working out at all my sexual drive is high and good erections.

Height: 183 CM
Weight: 78kg
Other notes: Little high pitch voice, love handles, TT: 550 - 600. Testicle size is little smaller than other average guy but whenever I tested for TT is always normal.

What could be wrong? Be sure there is no nutritional problem.

maybe when you work out a lot your going to the gym a lot and there are plenty of hot girls at the gym, , then when your back home and go to bang the, just average looking girl friend,, she's just not cutting for you and mini you is just not that interested.. maybe its a mental thing ;)
I have a muscular body but tendency to gain alot of fat around waist line and on/off I always keep working out, gym, jogging and different kind of sports from past 10 years but what I have noticed that I always have low libido and weak erection whenever I am exercising even I know I never over-train, maximum 4 days a week with maximum 35 to 40 mins total light workout with good sleep high protein diet, multivitamins and a healthy lifestyle.

But whenever I am not working out at all my sexual drive is high and good erections.

Height: 183 CM
Weight: 78kg
Other notes: Little high pitch voice, love handles, TT: 550 - 600. Testicle size is little smaller than other average guy but whenever I tested for TT is always normal.

What could be wrong? Be sure there is no nutritional problem.

concerning what is in Bold above..

no nutritional problems ?? Yet you have stomach fat / love handles.. I'm guessing your high protein diet is, high protein, high carbs, and low low fat..

my opinion.. that's not exactly ideal and probably why you have love handles.. that diet sounds fine for someone taking 600 mg a week of testosterone, 500 mg of Deca, and some Dbol, for a bulk..

but your not bulking with steroids,, I woulds suggest a more balanced diet ,, the reason you have love handles is that your body is not able to use all that protein (again your not bulking with steroids),, so it is converting it into glucose and the glucose is activating insulin which then stores the glucose into your fat cells.. add on top of that the carbohydrates you are consuming along with the high protein, and you have even more glucose you have to deal with..

your probably slightly insulin/carb resistant.. and again,, all the high protein is getting converting to glucose as well.. YOUR LOVE HANDLES are probably because of this..

keeping you work out regimen the way it is,, yet modifying your diet,, would probably yield good and healthier results then what you are getting now.

3J could definitely help you get that diet balanced out.. I personally don't think high protein low fat is ideal for someone not on a bulking cycle

my 2 cents :)
What do you mean by libido OP?

Libido is the desire to have sex and has little to do with your penis. Erectile dysfunction is when you have that desire to have sex, but your penis cannot maintain or sustain an erection.

While both are tied to sex, they have different causes and treatment typically.
Yes, you are correct Halfwit, the problem I face more is having/maintaining an erection while I am regularly exercising! so yes its not more about Libido/desire but ED.

I tried Cilias 10MG, for me works wonders but I avoid taking it!
I recently started taking it Cialis. I have this problem from may be past 6 years of facing ED while regularly exercising.
I saw this post and it reminded me of a couple years ago. I haven't done any form of exercise in years. I bbought INSANITY and did it for the whole 8 week program. I lost over 30lbs.

I didn't even realise it but the wife comes to me and asks if I'm cheaing on her. Confused, I say WTF are you talking about? We haven't had sex that entire time. 8 Weeks, I had zero deisre, zero morning woods, and that night I had to literally force myself to have sex with her that night.

Before that we were having sex at least twice a week. What even funnier is I hurt my self about a week later. Couldn't work out for 2 weeks and my sex dive came back. Go figure.

This was also before I found Ology, TRT, and the dark world of AAS
If your TT is normal, you should stick to good nutrition and everyone will be back to normal. As you see, when you workout then you get these problems so your body needs rest and good nutrition.