Low T, 24, and a survivor.


New member
Hello there guys.

I battled Testicle cancer in about a year ago! To make the story short without draggin you guys into the darkness of faults that were made in my case; here it is

Had surgery to remove right testicle! One month after I went through one of the rougest chemos there is BEP x 3 lasted 3months. Doctors decided that I need a surgery to remove a lymp in my stomach leaving a 24cm scar.

After the chemo I did draw blood and my testosteron levels came out at around low-mid range... I decided to travel for 4-5months and while the side-effects of chemotheraphy disolved others symptoms started to come: I felt tired, Brain fog, Total lack of energy, Trouble with erections, No libido, headackes, and overall just felt horrible, I took a full blood panel and they came out:

Testosteron, Total, Serum ( 240 - 827 ) = 260
Testosteron, Free, Serum ( 8.70 - 55 ) = 10.41 / 15days later another test showed 9.60

Estradiol, E2, Serum ( below 40 ) = 40.62
FSH ( 1.50 - 18 ) = 18.60
LH (1.50 - 9.30 ) = 9

T3, total ( 0.60 - 1.80 ) = 1.70
T4, total ( 5 - 12 ) = 9.70
TSH ( 0.55 - 5 ) = 3.14

Lipids came out alittle off aswell "cholestrol high", I assume this is due to testosteron and estrogene being off.

Status: These recent days I have been feeling depressed, tired, unfocused, trouble concentrating, moodswing, no desire, no lust and have lost weight. Among other males I feel overwhelmed, my beard is starting to thin out and im losing hair! Simple words I feel off... Im a winner, a fighter, and out brawl anything in life but this sensation of being wornout is horrible... Bloods have been drawn by my hospital, and on monday I will have appointment with doctors to talk TRT treatment.
- I live off fitness, I was an overall athelte of strength, endurance and fighting. I was a teamtrainer in Crossfit and strengthclasses, trainer of elite football teams and my life is surrounded by fitness, diet, trips and people " But recent 1-2months its just gone wrong "

My question is;
What are the normal dosages of TRT to bring me up towards the higher end?
What will i be offered pellets, injections, creams and so on, what works best?
I cannot stay this depressed for much longer, what will kick in the fastest to get my mind into a more stable matter?

I have some videos on youtube; Healthoman - Aggresion to win
You´ll have an idea of who I am and what I went through.

And yes. Chemo has an impact on my testosteron levels and output, I do believe that my last testicle has been slayed by the treatment and that i no more produce any by my self.

hope you guys can help me out, as everyday seems like a battle right now.
I am sorry this happened to you. You are suffering from Primary Hypogonadism. The good news is that it is easily treated and it is extremely effective. You could be feeling like you old self in a month or two. A good place to start reading is the following thread. After reading it, come back to your thread and ask away with your specific questions. Many of us here have dealt with hypogonadism and can share what we have learned along the way.

Congrats on beating nut cancer. Fuck cancer. You came to the right place. Read the link Megatron posted. Tons of life saving info in there. Good luck!
Thanks for the support guys! It means alot, im doing the videos to support others and show them that it is possible.

As for the TRT: Some people say that test prop 35-50mg EOD is good to keep blood levels stable. Makes sense with the short ester
In the sticky it says 200mg / 100mg / 50mg ETD, i would assume that the more frequent dosages are going to act to stabilize the high and drop of the half time.

How are the other ways of trt, creams, patches, gels? Ive heard that people say that they arent that effective and lose their power apon time.
Forgot to mention that my goal is to land at around the high end:
Testosteron, Total, Serum ( 240 - 827 ) = 260 = 700/800
Testosteron, Free, Serum ( 8.70 - 55 ) = 10.41 = 25+

Im just afraid that this doctor that I will be seeing will try to land me at 300-400 and say thats just fine. Before all of this happened to me, i was a show stopper, i was always active, doing sports and being socially. People saw me as a alpha, but in a good regard "I was always making people laugh, like being in the center and care about others" As for now I cant see my friends, i dont like talking to people, i feel so fragile when talking to other men, and I cant do what I live for and live off: Fitness. I would guess my levels were well into the highs before all this..

Im allreaddy writeing notes down to precent to this doctor if he refuses to cooperate about the treatment, should I have more readdy?
Don't focus on numbers, focus on how you feel. Treating with a goal number in mind is not optimal, everyone feels different at different levels depending on how sensitive to testosterone they are. Personally I'm of the philosophy that I want to take the least amount of medicine I can, while getting a therapeutic result, and I much rather start low, and move up slowly. More is not necessarily better, especially with hormones, you can very easily cross a line of diminishing returns where you get more sides than benefits.

Ideally you would know what your pre-cancer levels were so you would have that as a guide, but since you don't, how you feel is the best gauge of the treatment's efficacy. Reference ranges are just that, ranges, and the range your lab uses is different than what other labs use. The one I get mine done at is 300-1100 for example.

Conversely, you are correct to not want treatment from a doctor that targets a number and won't adjust your dose if you feel shitty at that number. That is a hallmark of bad medicine, and a lazy doctor who doesn't want to do his job. For example, some people feel fine with a trough of 500, some people feel terrible unless they stay over 700, everyone is different. Good doctors treat patient symptoms, bad doctors treat diseases according too strict numbers, as if we were machines, and don't listen to a word the patient says.
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Today was a horrible day. I woke up looking at my pillow wich was filled with hairs of my beard! I was reminded what i went through, and what i fighted for. My hair and beard wich are quite long by now, are starting to fall out and it freaks me out.

I had a mental break down, i feel so off! I dont have energy to talk with friends that have awaited my arrived for 6months. I am cancelling everything as I do not feel good at all, and basicly it all comes down to my hormones I know... I had an amazing journey traveling india, when suddenly i just started to sleep more, eatless and lose sex drive. I believe at this time my hormones after removal/chemo must have run out and I was just shot down, to the bottem...

I am very afraid that they will draw out the waiting time! As for me I cannot wait, i feel horrible within myself! I fear they will not treat me, my mind is horrible to me and is playing tricks on my body
Sorry to hear that man. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll get there. You don't have to worry about what will happen in some unknown future. Just pay attention to what is happening right now and make the best decision you can in there moment. Everything will be fine.
Thanks, I know it will! I feel my body hungering for it

The hardest part is seeing my long beard fallout due to low testosteron, it just reminds me of the hard times. Spoke with the hospital today and they said that I will have an apointment with my endocolist! Hopefully starting TRT before going into march.

But something stroke my mind, if blood has allreaddy been drawn.. Why cant i just take 1ml of test e from friend? Thereby not losing all my hair, and lifting me up form the deep hole i am sinking into. I do seriously feel bad, that they are letting me wait for this long! Everyday is a fight against myself, its a fight in the mirrow, and its a fight with my mood... not to mention how hard it is to see my fullbeard slowly thinnin out?

I could do two jabs of prop or one test e, untill i get my TRT ?
Thanks, I know it will! I feel my body hungering for it

The hardest part is seeing my long beard fallout due to low testosteron, it just reminds me of the hard times. Spoke with the hospital today and they said that I will have an apointment with my endocolist! Hopefully starting TRT before going into march.

But something stroke my mind, if blood has allreaddy been drawn.. Why cant i just take 1ml of test e from friend? Thereby not losing all my hair, and lifting me up form the deep hole i am sinking into. I do seriously feel bad, that they are letting me wait for this long! Everyday is a fight against myself, its a fight in the mirrow, and its a fight with my mood... not to mention how hard it is to see my fullbeard slowly thinnin out?

I could do two jabs of prop or one test e, untill i get my TRT ?

Don't take anything. That will mess up your blood work results and they won't put you on TRT.

Have you considered seeking psychological help? You sound very depressed. When I was deep into my hypogonadism I remember asking myself if I was depressed. I thought about it and realized I wasn't. I was just too tired all the time to want to do anything. But I never felt sorry for myaelf or like I was sinking into a deep hole.

I really urge you to consider seeking psychological help if you think you may be depressed. Ask your friends and family what they think.
Nah buddy! Im all good.
But there is alot of anger and lost time within me, i have battled out battles that most people cant! I thought it was my time to hoover and enjoy life, as ive been through everything from War, lifeproblems, cancer... So now i encounter low T, its a quick fix but the waiting time is simply killing me.

My fitness is my life: It angers me to see me crakkle away.
heres some pictures of before

idd imagine my levels were through the roof, i felt amazing, was in TV and reconized by everybody in my city! Not because of my look but rather the objects in life that I have overcome, my hobby became my job and my pride.



I had 3months of battleing chemo sides, they surpassed and I had 1month without problems.. then I started to feel low T and ive been struggleing with that 2months while traveling. Its time for me to feel on top of the world, and basicly thats when my levels get on up high again
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So basically I kinda exploded emotionelly! Me and my gal yeah, and it just dident workout. Hair is continueing to fall out and I am hitting rock bottem energy wise. Im home in my homecountry and I have no income, I dont have the energy to find a job as I am that fatigued. Im trying to steer away from social meetings with friends as my energy just directs me into a bad mood.

I went to the hospital and tried to talk them into doing my case faster, and found out they had given me my appointment in 5weeks!!! That appointment is a conversation with endocrolist and not beginning of my treatment, The govermental healthcare system here in Denmark is slow as _._._._ and I fear a prolonged waiting time.

As for everyday my energy is getting worse. I fear that if I wait out 5weeks without any help, i will find myself in a depression or other psysical problems led by my low T, and that TRT in that time wont help much regarding to the situation I will land in...

I have been thinking about doing a TRT dose myself untill the hospital is starting to help! I do feel that the oplifting of T will be able to give me back my energy, I would be able to find a job and likewise start school classes, not to talk about avoiding mental problems by just sitting and waiting, seeing my hair after chemo fallout once again, and continue having problems with my girl and mood <-

5weeks of leaving me here, is simply not okay. The toll I am taking by just sitting around and waiting to get my life up and running is damagin and something they should start to emphisize!

Whats your guys take on my thoughts?
It sucks that it will take 5 weeks. I'm sorry its not faster. I don't think its a good idea to start taking Testosterone on your own in your current state of mind. You have a medical condition that should be treated by a doctor. What if they want more blood when you go to the appointment and then you have to admit you're taking it on your own, or have them think you made a miraculous recovery. Sounds like a huge pain in the ass. 5 weeks isn't' so long when you consider the rest of your life ahead of you. I don't know how it works in Denmark, but are there legal private medical services available you can pay for now, and then switch over to the state funded care later, once you have a diagnosis and treatment plan from the private doctor? That would be a much better plan then just buying some UGL Gear and going to town.
I think you are correct. Ill try call up my own local doctor to see, if it is possible for him to start a low TRT dose untill the hospital has everything readdy to go! Thanks for the concern TRTnooby, but my mentallity is among the strongest you´ll find on this planet... Ive been through war and cancer, I cant be beaten... This is defently due to low T, and the amounts of time they want me to just hmmm sit around! I do for a fact know that the bloods will return within a weeks time, but they are simply out of room to fit me into a quick treatment.

Have to figure out something to get this process up faster. My mentallity and surroundings are on my shoulders, i have to find work soon to survive.
Trust me bro, I know what it feels like. My total testosterone was 144 last summer. I felt awful, I was ready to just buy it myself and start treating it on my own, but cooler heads prevailed and I'm glad they did. I waited the weeks it took to go through the process with my endo, get multiple blood draws to confirm, ect. It was worth it though, I'm in a much better place for having done than then if I just went and got it without a prescription. That would have been a recipe for disaster, because I felt so bad and wasn't thinking clearly, I probably would have taken way too much. I had my first blood drawn in July, and it wasn't til September that I got my first T shot, it sucked, but I managed, and now its barely a blip on my screen because I feel so good now, back to my old self. You'll be in the same place 6 months from now if you just take it easy and let it happen.
Instead of letting my wait 1month with my horrible situation, docs decided to pull me in th 27.april in two days... I am so happy that I cannot describe it in words "lol".

Docs name is "old school" and I have to prepare myself for an idiot within TRT especially for a 24y old. I am gathering knowlagde on dosages, times, levels and bloodwork to discuss my treatment... After all it is my body, my mind and my regime and I do want to have a finger in the play for my future...

So far I really want to see my Total testosteron land at 600-1000. I am a professional athlete, I live off of sports, I live helping achieving people their goal and I have been asigned a job overseas as a manager of gym and crew! What dosages will be available?... As i am stateing I really want to go on the upperscale instead of starting within the lower, ive had enough battle cancer, chemo, low T and so on. Its time to feel good.

Test E = E5D 150mg?
Test Prop = E3d 50-60mg?
Nebido is out the way...
I will also discuss the use of an AI, since my estrogene is allreaddy above the normal scale and within the high! Going on TRT there should happen some aromatasion and I want to counter that aswell. What is normal dosage for AI`s just to lower E2 alittle?

Testosteron, Free, Serum: 8 - 55 " idd like it to land at 30 if not above "

Whats your guys take on it? anything i should know, prepare and so on?
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Instead of letting my wait 1month with my horrible situation, docs decided to pull me in th 27.april in two days... I am so happy that I cannot describe it in words "lol".

Docs name is "old school" and I have to prepare myself for an idiot within TRT especially for a 24y old. I am gathering knowlagde on dosages, times, levels and bloodwork to discuss my treatment... After all it is my body, my mind and my regime and I do want to have a finger in the play for my future...

So far I really want to see my Total testosteron land at 600-1000. I am a professional athlete, I live off of sports, I live helping achieving people their goal and I have been asigned a job overseas as a manager of gym and crew! What dosages will be available?... As i am stateing I really want to go on the upperscale instead of starting within the lower, ive had enough battle cancer, chemo, low T and so on. Its time to feel good.

Test E = E5D 150mg?
Test Prop = E3d 50-60mg?
Nebido is out the way...
I will also discuss the use of an AI, since my estrogene is allreaddy above the normal scale and within the high! Going on TRT there should happen some aromatasion and I want to counter that aswell. What is normal dosage for AI`s just to lower E2 alittle?

Testosteron, Free, Serum: 8 - 55 " idd like it to land at 30 if not above "

Whats your guys take on it? anything i should know, prepare and so on?

A typical TRT dosage of Test E is 100-200mg weekly. Many of us find that injecting twice a week helps even out hormone levels and reduce aromatization.

If your body fat % is low, you may very well not need an AI on a TRT dose of test. Don't go by your current Estradiol levels. Things change when the HPTA feedback loop closes. So I would not start an AI right away. Just monitor your estradiol and add it min if it becomes elevated.

You should discuss taking hCG as well - especially if you may want to have kids in the future. This helps prevent testicular atrophy while on TRT. A common dosage is 500-1000iu weekly split into two injections per week.

God luck.
I assume you meant to write 27 February, not April.

150mg every 5 days (works out to to 210mg per week) should definitely put you up there and may well put you over 1200.
Your proposed doses of test prop are lower ( 116 to 140 mg per week ). I don't have any experience with test prop.

I would suggest arimidex 0.25mg 2x per week, or perhaps 0.5mg the day after your shot if injecting every 5 days. Standard tabs are 1mg which is almost always too much.

Free test will depend on your level of SHBG and may vary quite a bit even if your dose and TT is the same. I wouldn't get too focused on it unless problems arise (like not responding well). It's expensive to test and it's importance is not that well understood.

EDIT: mega beat me to the punch!