Low T and cycling? after not soo good restart attempt. bloodwork attached.


New member
Hey guys So i have low T and recently tried a Restart that hasn't seemed to work to well. Heres my previous post about this matter before I attempted a restart.

My question is Since i am already so low, would it affect me greater to run one more Test p/var 12 week cycle. and then going to see my endo? or should i not even consider another cycle? I see my endo in Nov now, cuz hes that busy, and i have a trip in oct that id want to cycle for, i Have not yet been to an endo.

restart protocol: 5000 iu hcg. 500 a day with 20 mg Nolva Till i run out of Hcg. then 4 weeks of clomid at 50 mg

Brackets are my results:
My Before restart results are:
Testosterone, Serum (263) LOW 348-1197 ng/dL
LH (5.4) 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 0
FSH (3.2) 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 0
Estradiol (13.1) 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

6 weeks after restart Results are
Testosterone, Serum (238) LOW 348-1197 ng/dL
LH (8.0) 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 0
FSH (3.2) 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 0
Estradiol (18.4) 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

Appreciate all the help.
Wow, another case of primary hypogonadism.

Let me put it to you this way; the shitty quality of life you're experiencing right now will be even worse after a cycle as you'll feel AMAZING while on - then back to the shit.

If you wanted to get an oil change for your car, but the place you normally go can't see you for three months - do you wait? Or do you drive another couple blocks to find someone that wants your business?

I know what I'd do. ;)

My .02c :)
Wow, another case of primary hypogonadism.

Let me put it to you this way; the shitty quality of life you're experiencing right now will be even worse after a cycle as you'll feel AMAZING while on - then back to the shit.

If you wanted to get an oil change for your car, but the place you normally go can't see you for three months - do you wait? Or do you drive another couple blocks to find someone that wants your business?

I know what I'd do. ;)

My .02c :)

Or you could do what my wife does... :-)
I am 27 years old, So its a better bet to not cycle and then see my endo, i dont get to see him for a few months, yet, so i figured one cycle in between would be nice.
I am 27 years old, So its a better bet to not cycle and then see my endo, i dont get to see him for a few months, yet, so i figured one cycle in between would be nice.

I think you missed the point of my analogy. YOU are the boss/customer, and the doctor is the service provider/employee. If they're not willing to accommodate their boss, perhaps they should be fired, and a new replacement found.
i understand what you mean, however here in Canada, i need to be referred to a Endo by my Family gp and cannot simply just go and choose my own unfortunately. I actually have an appointment In september, But i was just wondering if it would be a okay to Run a cycle in between as i have a trip coming up and extend my drs visit, or would it make my low t even worse. thank you for your responses however.
i understand what you mean, however here in Canada, i need to be referred to a Endo by my Family gp and cannot simply just go and choose my own unfortunately. I actually have an appointment In september, But i was just wondering if it would be a okay to Run a cycle in between as i have a trip coming up and extend my drs visit, or would it make my low t even worse. thank you for your responses however.

That's weird because I know a Canadian that I swear has had his bloods drawn more times than every one of us Americans combined... In a week. Lol. I thought there was a way around that referral garbage, but I am still woefully ignorant of Canadian medicine.

I agree with Tron. I wouldn't risk getting popped for god-knows what test he'll bust out on you. If we had an idea as to how this guy tests it would be one thing, but going in for an initial consult on low T?

Better safe than sorry imo. :)