Low Test Solution opinion from experienced guys ..need help


New member
Hello Guys,

I am really new to this forum, was just searching the internet about low test solution and found this forum there.

Here is the issue, I have been using tablets for sexual performances, and eventually it happened that without tablets I was unable to get the same erection or even a normal sexual performance, so in a sense I got dependent on them. Then I started working out at the gym, I was a little overweight and I lost weight as well last year but then discontinued. I have been hitting gym now for about 3-4 months regular but my gains are a bit below than normal. So i discussed the issue with a friend who is in to this steroid stuff and all , and told me get my test checked. When I got m test checked recently it was 214 ng/dl. So, he suggested me the following treatment:

3 Months of test e (100 mg/week)
50 mg proviron 1st day in the morning, then 25 mg of upcoming 30 days
plasma donations as much as possible but stop a week before HCG
HCG 2500 a week and clomid 50mg.day 2 hours prior to sleep, for 20 days after 14 days of quitting test e.

I would like to know from more experience guys at this forum about their opinion abt it.

I am 30 years old
I am 5'8"
I am 84 KG

*I do have morning erections and at some other times too.

This is unorthodox. What is the goal?

This would amount to a cycle at TRT dosage. This only makes sense IF you believe that this will somehow improve your natural levels afterwards. I don't see much evidence for that.

TRT, once begun, is usually "for life", while a steroid cycle uses much higher doses to reach supraphysiological test levels for a set amount of time, in the hope that the user will return to healthy normal levels afterwards.

What you describe appears to be neither fish nor fowl.
Nope I did not...however, I did check my Vit D levels...I was found deficient with levels of 19.5 ng/dl...I think my low test is somehow also linked to the low D level.
The goal is to restore normal test levels...right now they are quite low 214 ng/dl.

Make sure you understand that there is a big difference between restoring natural test levels by focusing on nutrition, sleep, stress and other possible factors - versus raising your testosterone levels by taking exogenous testosterone. That will bring your serum levels up, but it will kill (perhaps permanently) your natural production.

You're young. You should explore every other option first. Find out the source of your low test - are you primary or secondary hypogonadal, etc? Once you start taking exogenous test, you will no longer be able to determine this!
Make sure you understand that there is a big difference between restoring natural test levels by focusing on nutrition, sleep, stress and other possible factors - versus raising your testosterone levels by taking exogenous testosterone. That will bring your serum levels up, but it will kill (perhaps permanently) your natural production.

You're young. You should explore every other option first. Find out the source of your low test - are you primary or secondary hypogonadal, etc? Once you start taking exogenous test, you will no longer be able to determine this!

what other tests u suggest ? I have done Vit D test, which is also low 19.5...I think my low test is also somehow linked to low Vit D levels, My doc has prescribed Vit D Indrop 200,000 IU per week with Multi Vitamins in the morning and Vitamin E in the evening and asked me to repeat the tests after 1 month for testosterone and Vit D.