New member
I`m a 20 years old guy from Germany.
My height is 6,2 feet. My weight is 192 lbs. BF 15 %.
November 2013 I made a diet and in 6 weeks I reduced my BF from 16% to 5-7%.
I didn't eat much fat and during the diet I started to feel very bad. I lost my sexdrive and my ejaculate volume sank every day. In December 2013 I nearly didn't produce ejaculate during an orgasm.
But I loved my form at this low BF and so i held the very low BF for 2 more month.
I had extreme ! hunger.
I also worked out very hard. 6 days a week and every day very hard. I felt very bad during the workouts and had not much energy.
In february 2014 I felt so bad, that I went to my doctor.
A bloodtest showed, that my Testosterone levels were very low:
1,5ng/ml (3,3-10)
I realized that the hard diet and the low bodyfat could be the reason for the low T levels.
I started to raise the fats and ate 30% fats from total daily calorie intake.
I paused the workout for 1 Month and after that month I started to workout very easy.
I put on BF and in June 2014 I had a BF of 15 % again.
I felt a bit better.
My T levels in May 2014
1,77 ng/ml (3,3-10)
I lost my hope that I will recover and I felt fat. So I started a diet again for 7 days and went to the doctor during the diet.
My T levels were at 0,8ng/ml(3,3-10).
I paused training for 9 days.
I realized that it must be the diet and I started to eat A LOT.
I ate 4000kcal per day for 6 days.
I went to the doctor again and my test levels were at 2,92 ng/ml (3,3-10). In 15 days from 0,8ng/ml to 2,92ng/ml.
Last bloodtest 3.8.14:
Testosterone:3,45 ng/ml (3,3-10)
My biggest problem is that I still have no sex drive and low ejaculate volume. Before I started the diet I masturbated for 3-4 times a day and produced a lot of cum.
I am recovering for 7 months now but I still have low t levels and no sex drive plus I feel not very well.
My current BF is 17 %. I think this is a healthy BF and my T levels should be normal again but they aren't. Im loosing hope again.
Currently I work out for 4 days a week and 2 times very easy cardio for 20 minutes.
I think thats not too much.
1. Had anyone here same problems after an extreme diet and overtraining and now how long it will take to recover ?
2. Shall I stay natural or try Nolvadex or Clomid to restart HPTA ?
3. Has anyone any tips for me to increase the recovery process ?
I hope you guys can help me and say me what I have to do and how long it takes to recover.
Best regards from germany.
I`m a 20 years old guy from Germany.
My height is 6,2 feet. My weight is 192 lbs. BF 15 %.
November 2013 I made a diet and in 6 weeks I reduced my BF from 16% to 5-7%.
I didn't eat much fat and during the diet I started to feel very bad. I lost my sexdrive and my ejaculate volume sank every day. In December 2013 I nearly didn't produce ejaculate during an orgasm.
But I loved my form at this low BF and so i held the very low BF for 2 more month.
I had extreme ! hunger.
I also worked out very hard. 6 days a week and every day very hard. I felt very bad during the workouts and had not much energy.
In february 2014 I felt so bad, that I went to my doctor.
A bloodtest showed, that my Testosterone levels were very low:
1,5ng/ml (3,3-10)
I realized that the hard diet and the low bodyfat could be the reason for the low T levels.
I started to raise the fats and ate 30% fats from total daily calorie intake.
I paused the workout for 1 Month and after that month I started to workout very easy.
I put on BF and in June 2014 I had a BF of 15 % again.
I felt a bit better.
My T levels in May 2014
1,77 ng/ml (3,3-10)
I lost my hope that I will recover and I felt fat. So I started a diet again for 7 days and went to the doctor during the diet.
My T levels were at 0,8ng/ml(3,3-10).
I paused training for 9 days.
I realized that it must be the diet and I started to eat A LOT.
I ate 4000kcal per day for 6 days.
I went to the doctor again and my test levels were at 2,92 ng/ml (3,3-10). In 15 days from 0,8ng/ml to 2,92ng/ml.
Last bloodtest 3.8.14:
Testosterone:3,45 ng/ml (3,3-10)
My biggest problem is that I still have no sex drive and low ejaculate volume. Before I started the diet I masturbated for 3-4 times a day and produced a lot of cum.
I am recovering for 7 months now but I still have low t levels and no sex drive plus I feel not very well.
My current BF is 17 %. I think this is a healthy BF and my T levels should be normal again but they aren't. Im loosing hope again.
Currently I work out for 4 days a week and 2 times very easy cardio for 20 minutes.
I think thats not too much.
1. Had anyone here same problems after an extreme diet and overtraining and now how long it will take to recover ?
2. Shall I stay natural or try Nolvadex or Clomid to restart HPTA ?
3. Has anyone any tips for me to increase the recovery process ?
I hope you guys can help me and say me what I have to do and how long it takes to recover.
Best regards from germany.