Low testosterone


New member
I am 30 years old and have a history of low libido. I am unsure as to whether or not this site is appropriate for this question, but I don't know where else to go and it was suggested to me. I discovered a few years ago that my testosterone was low normal. I embarked on a series of treatments in order to raise it without supplementing with testosterone itself, but have failed generally to do so. My goal is to raise my testosterone levels up to average (about 22-24 nmol) without exogenous testosterone. Here are my labs-

Date Test FSH LH Oestrodiol
09/09/2010 12.6 2.9 4.7 baseline
20/10/2010 15.4 67 zinc
10/11/2010 12 98 heavy cardio
18/12/2010 19.6 2.6 5.1 80 Abstinence (3 weeks)
07/11/2011 11.7 3.2 4.4 baseline 2
12/12/2011 11 3.4 7 Strength Training
23/12/2011 14.7 3.4 6.1 92 D-Aspartic Acid
09/01/2012 11.1 3.2 4.8 knee injury
07/02/2012 12.6 2.9 5.3 Abstinence (4 days)
25/02/2012 13.8
08/03/2012 14.4

*Test is in nmol/L, FSH and LH are in U/L, oestrodiol is in pmol/L.

Would this board be able to supply any information as to how to achieve my goal of jumpstarting my bodies natural testosterone production? I have heard of a herb called eurycoma longifolia, as well as fertility drugs like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), are there any users experienced with this?

I do apologise, the table came out wrong, but u guys should be able to figure it out
Try posting in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section of this board, you'll probably get better answers there.
The numbers I posted are exact, the table just didnt come out right. I have posted testosterone in nmol, some scores for FSH and LH, as well as oestrodiol. Could you perhaps be more clear as to what data you require and I will try and clean it up for you?
Also, on the subject of dopamine, I have adult ADHD, which many researchers believe is a disorder of neural dopaminergic pathways. There quite simply isn't a set of supplements that will fix this in my case; more to the point, I am required to take prescription amphetamines, which will blow my dopamine levels sky high for the period they are active. My testosterone levels are still low, and my libido is still non-existent, whether on my meds or off them.