Lower Back Injury and looking to Anabolics for some help


New member
Hi guys, this will be my first thread I've posted on this forum. A couple years ago I suffered a lower back injury that ended up being pretty debilitating. I was down to about 14% BF and working out and playing basketball at least 5 times a week with a consistent diet plan before the injury. Diet Could of been better tho also wasn't running a good protein diet along with it. But still I was getting in shape and had been consistent for a couple years. My friend, a personal trainer had taken my measurements and told me that I really don't need to cut the fat as much anymore and that I should start increasing my calorie intake to at least 3-4000 a day to start packing the muscle on. Well after the injury it all kind of went out the window because I was in 9 months of physical therapy and getting pain killers to aid the pain(which didn't sit well with me cuz they only mask the injury). After a year and a half i decided to talk to Dr. about anabolic steroids maybe being able to help my back since it was sports related injury and a muscular injury with minimal structural damage to my vertebrae. He said he could not provide me ethically the medication I needed but did agree that it could help me (instead of surgery) pack a few pounds of muscle on my back and get back to lifting big and playing ball full time again. My question to you guys is, what do you think? I am not talking about running a huge cycle but I am aware of how 1 cycle become 2 cycles become 10 cycles(since being around sports at a high level for most of my life ive seen it happen) . Just looking for some advice and seeing if anyone has had a simlilar fork in the road come there way. My stack of choice would be an EQ/Win for about 12 weeks? what you think? You think this could be the answer for me? I seriously have exhausted all my possiblilities - Physical Therapy(surgery prevention), Pills, Working thru the pain, not working thru the pain (i.e. rest), nothing gets the pain to go away fully....any advice would be much appreciated and I am open to any opinions or alternatives that anyone might have out there. I just want to be able to play again at a high level and get my strength back up because without my back I can't do a lot of lifts that I used to be able to. I am restricted to machines and limited free weights. Thanks again for your time guys.
I didnt read that whole thing but aas will not take your pain away or heal anything...it might mask an injury and you could end up hurting yourself worse
Thanks for the reply agree fully with that statement. I have gotten the pain down to where its intermittent usually after a workout. I am looking to mayb low dose eq for 8 weeks to give me some strength back because I have been at it for at least a yr just concentrating on my back and abs and cant see my strength rising and surgery is only other option i got. You think it be alright to do that? Not lifting heavy but light and with good form and with healthy diet and plenty of rest n protein? Def not looking to go to heavy to fast

Time and rehab do.


End of story.

Cotico steroids and aas are apples and oranges.

With eq only you ll have back pain and a limp dick and no test.

Alright, thanks for the info guys. Just keep chugging forward I guess with what I am doing and just have some more patience with it. Thanks again this forum is pretty cool...lots of good info...
ALL AAS will do is mask the pain, and leave you more prone to injury cause you will think you can do things you cant
Hey 1 more thing. Not looking to use after what you guys have posted but I got some small blank white triangle pills from source claiming they are winstrol tabs 10mg. Ever seen anything like them before? I posted Pic
I guess 1 other thing....sorry...post addict now...Any good Supps you guys use or recommend out there? since I won't be using AAS....I run Protein, Creatin, Nos, Vitamins and occasionally a energy booster when I feel i am having a depleted week...
Right on....Yea over last couple yrs really started seeing how important rest is with working out...used to just go ballz to the wallz when i was younger but now I see how much more quality of workouts you get in when you give yourself time to rest and how you achieve same results or even better....Thanks for the 411
I have a bad lower back, genetically there is something wrong with that muscle group. If I don't work it out directly, the lower back muscles will tend to get very sore and prone to pulling.

I've pulled my lower back from simply getting off the couch.

Throught the last 6 years I found that the only way to heal my lower back is not through rest, that did nothing at all. But through direct lower back exercises.

I spent 2 months on bed-rest to heal my lower back. And in just 1 week of direct lower back workout, the pain went away.

Everyone is different, and everyone responds differently. I don't know if your back pain is in the spine or muscle or nerve, that would give us a better idea.
Got a few worn disks trying to avoid the surgery but they say it probably is in my future, my sciatic nerve has calmed down but was a problem and I have had progressive muscle problems starting from my right knee up in to my shoulders. I too sat on my butt and did nothing and that only made it worse. I did find that working out my back and having "Good Pain" from workouts made it feel a lot better with plenty of rest in between.

Would you mind sharing some of the exercises you do?

Thanks for the info...
Got a few worn disks trying to avoid the surgery but they say it probably is in my future, my sciatic nerve has calmed down but was a problem and I have had progressive muscle problems starting from my right knee up in to my shoulders. I too sat on my butt and did nothing and that only made it worse. I did find that working out my back and having "Good Pain" from workouts made it feel a lot better with plenty of rest in between.

Would you mind sharing some of the exercises you do?

Thanks for the info...

For lower back I do concentrated (if that's the word) exercises, that are only lower back specific. Either on machines or as simple as something like straight leg deads, with light weight. Sorry can't explain much better.

Just stay away from things that will hurt your back, such as heavy deads or squats. You can always substitute those with direct workouts, IMO.
Just so you are aware, I agree with all the above post. If you decide that you want to do a cycle it should be test only at 500mg for 10 or 12 weeks. No EQ or Winstrol (winny) by itself. Test should be in all cycles.

The only problem is see is gaining strength and causing more injury because you are able to lift heavier. It would really be up to you to find a way to build your strength without causing more injury but again they wont help with healing. Best of luck to you.
I had severe back pain for almost ten years as a result of being in two pretty bad car wrecks. Im thirty years old, but I had not been able to do squats, deadlifts, heavy overhead press, power cleans, etc., since I was twenty. I been working out for more than fifteen years, so I had tons of knowledge about weightlifting, but could not do shit on most core lifts because of my injuries (except bench, but I could only go so heavy on that because on really heavy weights I arc my back). I can remember many days where I would wake up for work and stand up then would have to lay back down in the fetal position because my back hurt so damn bad from just standing up. Then one day I decided I have to do something about this cause it was killin my workouts, affecting my work, and even made it hard to pick up and play with my kids . So, one day I sat down and came up with a plan. I started doing light machine work for my back and hyper ext.. I also started stretching religiously, before and after workouts. I even devote one day a week to just stretching and abs. I also started taking extra fish oil (bout 5000 mg per day) and added glucosamine (1000 mg per day) to my supplement regimen. Nine months later I very seldomnly have back pain (nothing Motrin cant fix anyway) and can now do squats and deadlifts, etc., and I'm now doing Strongman training and planning to enter a few strongman comps this summer. A year ago I thought I would never be able to do deadlifts again, no way I thought I would be picking up 300lb atlas stones and carrying 250 lb farmers handles. Not saying it would work for you, but a rigorous stretching routine, several exercises for strenthing my core and adding supplements for my joints has really helped my back. Just thought I would share my experience. Good luck with your situation!
Sorry guys had to leave for work for a couple days. Thanks to all who posted you guys really helped reinforce what I am doing and provided some great tips. Looks like its time to step it up a notch tho, maybe I am spending to much time too light and babying it to much. Time to get the pump on and get my swole on! ....thanks again to all who posted much appreciated....
awesome thanks for the post...sound like we are kind of in the same boat or you were at least....I take my fish oil but not enough glucosamine, ill try to put that in my supplements mix....very encouraging brotha to hear you say your back on your feet because it has been at least a couple of years now and I start getting down feeling like Ill never be able to grab the bar again and clean an jerk it up. Very motivating to hear that you got thru it....Thanks again