Lower Libido 5 weeks in Test e 600mg


New member
I'm not saying i have 0 libido, but i dont walk around with raging boners all day that other people talk about. I really dont have the sex drive i did before i started test e. I'm doing 600 mg a week and taking .25mg of arimadex EOD since week 2. Should I up the adex to .5?
You need your estrogen serum levels for one, but you mine as well run a test panel which consists of total test, free test, and dihydrotestosterone. LH, and IGF1 are usually all part of the same blood workup.
You need your estrogen serum levels for one, but you mine as well run a test panel which consists of total test, free test, and dihydrotestosterone. LH, and IGF1 are usually all part of the same blood workup.

Sorry I'm new to alot of this as it's my first cycle. Is there a site I can go to for this, i thought there was. What would the test your talking about be called?

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