Lump = absess?


New member
My buddy and I have been hitting 6 ml fort dodge/week (3 per glute every 3 days) for about 3 weeks now and now he is telling me about a bumb on his glute that is bothering him. He says that its about the size of a quarter and itches. For about 3 days after the injection there was a softball size black and blue mark around the site. He says it feels like a bug bite and doesnt hurt, but itches and is pretty hard like a bug bite. Is this an absess or did he hit something on the injection like a vein? What should he do?
sounds like he hit a surface vein, I get that black and blue look about that size and it does itch/hurt. but on a side note you really should be rotating shot sites. 3 ml every three days is not enough time for oil to clear IMO. I would rotate delts and quads in if you can. and no it is not an abcess from what you described but only a doctor can tell you for sure, I can just tell you from my experience.
if you had an abcess the area would be warm/hot to the touch and you would be feverish. the site would also be tender to the touch
An abscess is a walled-off collection of pus. Abscesses that appear in areas of friction or minor trauma such as underneath the belt, the fronts of the thighs, buttocks, groin, and armpits, are called furuncles or carbuncles.

The clinical signs of an abscess are redness, induration, and fluctuance. In general, abscesses need to be incised and drained, I&D, because the chemical reactions in the pus prevent antibiotics from penetrating well into the surrounding tissues.

Induration is a sign of infection. Skin that is indurated is red, inflamed, thickened, and tender. The swelling and thickening of the skin are a result of the infectious process and the skin's response to fighting off the infection.

Fluctuance is an indication of the presence of pus in a bacterial infection. As the skin gets infected redness and induration develop. The immune system works to fight off the bacteria and old, spent white blood cells collect in the skin. Certain chemicals given off by bacteria and white blood cells also accumulate under the skin forming pus. Sometimes the pus leaks out and the lesion drains, but other times the pus is prevented from draining. The skin overlying the pus remains red, but touching this area produces a soft, boggy feel. This boggy feeling is fluctuance. Often fluctuance is surrounded by induration making it even more noticeable.

In general, lesions that are fluctuant need to be incised and drained, I&D, because the chemical reactions in the pus prevent antibiotics from penetrating well into the surrounding tissues

Incision and drainage, or I&D, is a common treatment for skin infections and abscesses. An infection with pus, or abscess, does not heal well on its own or even with antibiotics. The pus must be drained to promote healing.

An I&D is performed by first numbing the area with local anesthetic. Unfortunately local anesthetic is not as effective in an abscess as it is in normal skin. Sometimes an I&D is performed without local anesthetic to reduce the number of sticks. A scalpel is inserted into the skin overlying the pus and the pus is drained. Many abscesses have pockets of pus that must be broken up to release all of the pus.

Sometimes a wick, usually a piece of gauze or gauze tape, is placed in the drained abscess to keep the skin from closing. This allows the wound to continue to drain as it heals from the inside out.
Anytime you have an infection it will be red and warm, so an abcess will be both. You need to watch out though since you are not rotating shot sites, you are making yourself a higher risk for an abcess in the future.
An abcess is not simply drained because if you only drain it, it has a tendency to reform, after cutting open the skin and breaking up other pockets of infection usually a massage is needed to try and get all the puss/ nasty shit out of the abcess. The hole is then "packed" with medicianl gauze and this procedure of packing is repeated over and over again until the large hole is then a small hole and then no more packing is done so the hole will close with no more puss inside. Another reason that local anisthetics are not used is since many times there are numerous pockets of puss, you run the risk of just shooting into one of these pockets and thus wasting the anesthesia.
This sounds like a hematoma ("mass of blood"). Happens sometimes, the surface bruising is the giveaway.
Usually, the body reabsorbs these hematomas in days to weeks; very rarely, they may become infected. He should NOT reinject in this area any time soon (6-8 weeks), and you guys need to rotate sites more often. Thighs? Delts?