Lump under nipple end of PCT. HELP please!!


New member
I have a lump under my nipple that is quite sensitive and saw and I was just at the end of my post cycle therapy (pct) i just did nolva alone 40/40/20/20 on cycle i did 400mg/wk of test e didnt run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) although probs should have done around .5mg eod of adex, had sensitive nipples on cycle but were not puffy and had no lumps.

I figured really i should use aromasin with my nolva and keep running the nolva at 20 a day although im in aust and have no aromisin available wont be able to get it for 3 weeks or so if i order it. I do have some adex available although adex and nolva should not be taken together...

What should I do?
Wow....400mgs and you got gyno...thats sucks. Why didnt you run an AI? Sensitive nips is a good sign your E2 is high. Personally...and this is personally, I would grab some formastanzol, and do another run with the nolva. Run the formastanzol at 10 pumps Am and PM. Run the nolva the same way again. Good luck.
Ya did you run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) pct! Most guys from the decreasing test levels will cause your e to go up. Serms like nolva and clomid don't lower e in the blood but block the receptors or the spike of e when your test drops. You prob should grab some letro and try running that. Make sure you taper down cause letro has rebounding effects when users stop the usage.
letro is in the same boat as aromasin will take me 3 weeks to get and i hate the look of letro side effect wise... can i just do like a week of adex or something to clear it up.

Im going to the doctor see if he can scribe me something but i highly doubt he will
This is why you need to be totally prepared prior to running your cycle bro. I have Letro, Prami, Adex, Aromasin, Torem, Clomid, and yes even Nolva on hand, in stock in case shit comes up. I also have Forma, and will not run a cycle without using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from start to finish!

Anyway...order Letro now and hope it gets to you soon...get some Forma like BigKev recommended, worst case may have to run a gyno reversal program later.
Ye i ordered letro and forma from 2 different sites so whatever one gets here first i will start whatever is left over or doesn't get used I can use next cycle....

I just took .5mg of adex with my 20mg of nolva, i know they shouldnt be taken together but I really don't want this to increase in size, in the last couple of days it has increased huge i am going to the dr. in 1 hour see if he can do anything

I honestly thought such a low dose of test i wouldn't need letro. Stane would have been a good idea but ye bit late now should have run low dose adex through cycle, hindsight sucks.