

Any insights on this OTC testosterone aide? I am no where near ready for the 'real' shit, and thought this may a a decent stepping stone. I've heard a little about Competitive Edge's M-drol (and H-drol as well). I would like to hear the opinions of more "cultured users". what are the sides; what if anything would be best to stack it with; is there a better OTC supp or brand out there???

thanks guys...
I didnt think it was bad. I gave it a try b/c I love M1T and was hoping for similar results. It basically is the exact same thing as superdrol, it is a superdrol clone. So you can pretty much search out superdrol sides and know that this will carry the same sides. Lots of people had problems with superdrol. With that said, I didnt have any bad sides, but I ran it alongside test prop so that can make all the difference in the world.
ive ran two oxodrol 12 cycles which is also a superdrol clone...i wouldnt mess around with it again, the sides are high and the results arent worth it...i gained probably 15 pounds between the two cycles and made big gains in all my lifts but now have some nice pointy nipples. however, if you are going to do it make sure to have a good post cycle therapy (pct) ready...no over the counter crap, get nolva and be sure to use supports supps such as milk thistle, hawthorne berries, CoQ10, red yeast rice, taurine and potassium for the back pumps. do a lot of research on superdrol before you start poppin those pills.
It can yeild results but definitely will have sides. If you take it don't drink, I'm sure it stresses your liver enough without the assistance of alcohol to make it worse.