M1T and ACNE

How much acne did you get from M1T?

  • A Sh*tload of ACNE

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i ran a 3 week cycle of 5mg ed-1wk, 10mg ed-2nd, wk and 5mg ed-3rd week, and i had no acne...although my sex drive went way down as did my energy...but after a lite post cycle therapy (pct) and 3 weeks off i got it all back...
15 mg first 2 weeks 10 mgs 3 week. I noticed the little baby pimples on the shoulders but nothing over the top.
i had acne for years...went on Accutane and after 5 months my acne is completly gone. i am about to do my m1t cycle and im hoping this shit wont bring my acne back.

....what do you guys think??
Slick, I've done accutane before and have completed two weeks of my m1t cycle so far and I only have a couple baby pimples, nothing big at all. Just remember if you get a couple don't pick at them, that will increase the dirt in your pores and they will grow.
this will sound like a sales pitch but oh well. With m1-t I was getting not terrible pimples but bad enough and my wife sells mary-k and she has this stuff that just wiped that shit out and with continued use during regular test cycles haven't seen another pimple yet soon as you can tell your skins getting a little oily slather your back down shower and wella you are good to go.
tewlow said:
this will sound like a sales pitch but oh well. With m1-t I was getting not terrible pimples but bad enough and my wife sells mary-k and she has this stuff that just wiped that shit out and with continued use during regular test cycles haven't seen another pimple yet soon as you can tell your skins getting a little oily slather your back down shower and wella you are good to go.

and where can i get this stuff??
I am not a week into my post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva and I have gotten more acne, nothing terrible but more than when I was on. Oh well, my hormone levels are all out of wack.
no regrets said:
I am not a week into my post cycle therapy (pct) with nolva and I have gotten more acne, nothing terrible but more than when I was on. Oh well, my hormone levels are all out of wack.

you have it on your back, face or both? and are the pimps really bad??
sorry for the delay in my reply..I did not get any acne on my back, it was only on my face. The pimples were nothing terrible really. They only bothered me more than the normal person because I have a confidence problem.
I am now finishing up my 3rd week on nolva and they have cleared up substantially. I only have a small one on my chin and one more on my left cheek.
If you do get any just wait it out. If you can go to the dermatologist and have them clean your black heads. It isn't the most pleasant feeling in the world but it helped me tremendously. Oh yeah, don't pick them and wash 3 times a day!
I ran m1t for 10 weeks. Started at 10mg 1st week, 15mg 2nd week, 20mg 3rd wk, 25mg wks 4-7 , 30mg wks 7-9, 35mg wk 10
Didn't get any acne from m1t. Have gotten acne from andro, but never m1t. Gained about 23lbs. About 8lbs was water, but 15lbs of muscle in 10wks isn't bad.
A few of the guys I lift with ran m1t(one did a 4 wk cycle 15mg, 20mg,25mg last 2 wks---the other guy did a 12 wk cycle started at 15mg increased every wk till he hit 50mg) Neither one had acne from it.
I'm not worried about the acne, what concerns me is why you guys are increasing and decreasing (pyramiding) your doses? I've never taken M1T, but I'm about to start a 2 or 4 weeker Monday.

Is there something I should know?
Why the pyramid?

There r mixed views on pryamiding, along w/mixing feelings on dosages of m1t. The reason I did is because I wanted to build up to a fairly high doesage of it and i'd never taken it before, so I wanted to give my body and chance to get used to it and see how i reacted to it, instead of just jumping in a 35mg right off the bat. Guess thats my reasoning. Hope it answers your ?
heres 1 4 u....y go on a 2 wk cycle?? y bother. Id say go on at least a 4 wk cycle, but u'd prob. make alot better gains if u went on a 4-8wk. Just take milk thistle, drink cranberry juice, b vitamins, maybe some glucosamine/msm/chondrotin (for the extra stress u're putting on your joints) and keep some nolva on hand. Good luck. What dose r u gonna be running?