M1T Cycle


New member
Start Date: March 14, 2011
Duration: 4 Weeks
20mg/ED M1T
Cycle Assist - During and post cycle.
Animal Pak Vitamins - During and post cycle.
Liv52 & Fish Oil - During Cycle
Liquid Torem
Might pickup a test booster

Lean Muscle (everywhere!)
Added definition (legs, arms)
10lbs (the mirror is what counts though)


I will be increasing the weights used, and the reps since I doubt this program was designed for someone hulking out on a prohormone lol. I am not strict with my training, sometimes I throw in extra sets or exercises, sometimes I mix up my rest days but I always put in work every week.

Weight: 165lbs
Height: 5'8"
BF: 12% Goal: 8-10%
Age: 22

Diet: I don't count calories. I eat 4-6meals a day, up to 200gs of protein and more in carbs. I don't eat junk/fast food/sweets. I will continue to eat big and cut down on carbs/fat if I don't see a leaning effect from the M1T's with my current diet although my primary goal is to pack on some strong beef and cut it up before summer if need be.

I won't be posting everyday but a few times a week. I'll throw up measurements and pictures soon. Please don't suggest any other products, this is the cycle.
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After Week One:

Strength:]/b] No huge gains in strength, although I did stop taking creatine and pre workout. Disappointed here so far, but its early yet!

Physique: It looks like after every workout I am instantly larger, fuller, denser. My pecs explode and stay larger after every workout, my back is the same.]

Weight: I used an electronic scale, 163.3-165.7 Monday-Week 2 today(Tuesday) Decent gain!

Side Effects:
Lethargy - Im not a hugely energetic person and I have been switched onto some crazy days - afternoons 10hr shifts so its hard to account what is causing what, however I do feel slightly groggier. Not nearly what I expected however. My caffeniated aminos and coffee have kept me going. Definitely missing the pre workout supplement though. I've found taking my doses with a big meal and a coffee have helped.
Acne - A few back pimples, nothing out of the ordinary so far. A cluster of acne has appeared on my chest which I rarely get though.

I have been plagued by my shoulders which are tight as shit and hindering my bench presses and shoulder presses. I might put shoulders on a different day. Even mentally I'm finding I dont have the strength knowing that the shoulder pain is waiting. Might stick to dumbells as I threw up 90's on the incline for 8-10 reps three sets with a lot less discomfort.

This week I start 12hr shifts, 4days, 2 off, 4 nights, repeat. It is gonna be tough to get into the gym but theres gonna be no stopping me! Few stats:

Barbell Shoulder Press: 95/10
Incline Dumbell Press: 90/10
Bent Over Rows:185/10 (Row Machine: 135/arm)!
Deadlifts: 255/8
I won't be squatting because my legs are a lot larger than the rest of my body from years and years of intense hockey and training, I'll be trying to cut those slabs of meat up (or tree trunks as my gf says) with lunges, extensions, curls and heavy ass calf work.

Lastly diet, I've been very conflicted on this over the week. My goals are always to get some size but I always feel and look bloated from eating so much everyday and would love to stay lean while getting bigger. I'm trying to eat just good protein, complex carbs and good fat. I try to remind myself to just eat and get big, then cut later. Abs in the spring! (Maybe some Androhard?)

Before and after pictures and measurements will be posted at the end, I just don't have the time right now(when I'm jacked and tanned!)
Also forgot my recovery between sets is at a level its NEVER been before. I am having trouble working hard enough to even get out of breath. My cardio has always been top notch (hockey), its probably the best its been.

I also cannot seem to get sore the next day. I have pounded crazy sets out and the next day I don't ever feel nearly as sore as I usually would. I do however feel tighter than usual.

I have to also admit I got into a few beers this weekend for my gfs birthday, I will be refraining from a single drink for the rest of my cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) from here on though.
Bro be carefull with the alcohol while using a methylated steroid. Make sure your using NAC, Liver Juice ( milk thistle ), and double your water.
Yeah for sure, like I said it won't happen again. And I've been drinking so much water I piss every like half hour, its actually becoming annoying as hell.
Quick update: I'm definitely increasing in size. This weekend and today have been phenomenal in strength. I've had more gas and thrown up more weight than ever before. The side effects are extremely mild compared to what I expected. I feel little to no lethary or upset stomach. I have been eating a ton, trying to keep it lean meats and less carbs, my midsection isn't as tight as I want. I'm working 12hours a day and still hitting the gym for a solid hour. I think I can attribute this to my animal pak vitamins and cycle assist and drinking water nonstop all day, I literaly piss at least every hour. I would probably increase my dosage to 30mg everyday if I had enough next week. I'm going to try to get into the docs for bloodwork to see what my levels are at, and make sure this stuff is actually working. I'm not exploding or throwing on like 20 pounds like others have reported. I am, however making sure none of my added weight is sloppy.

Deadlifts: 225/8, 275/3
Shoulder Press: 135/10
Bench Press: 225/6
Incline Dumbell Press: 95's/6 (Hundo's soon!)

I've discovered on cable chest fly's if you crossover and twist your hand so that your palms face down you can get an -amazing- pump on your pecs. This tears your chest up great as opposed to just stopping when your hands touch.
Mid week 3, my strength is through the roof. I've smashed plateaus on every single exercise and muscle group. My weight hasn't budged at all, infact I'm fluctuating between 163-165. I'm gonna stay away from the scale until the end of my cycle. The mirror is showing me my results.:gives: Fatigue is still not an issue. I would highly suggest Cycle Assist, Liv52, Fish Oil and a lot of water for anyone running a PH. I have been working 12hour shifts (Not extremely hard work but I dont sit at a desk) and working out at 9pm everyday without a preworkout NO drink.

I will be upping my protein intake as much as possible and going to try to eat a little more throughout the day to try to budge the scale and maximize my gains. I'll have plenty of time to cut before summer still.

Flat Bench: 225/8+
Decline Bench: 275/2
Incline Dumbells: Same, going for hundo's next chest workout!!
Shoulder Press: 155/8

I have the day off friday, I'm going to play squash and maybe smash my legs good. I miss squatting so I'm gonna see what I can put up.

My shoulder pains have all but vanished. I'm attributing this to increased stretching and strength in those muscles. Thinking ahead to post cycle therapy (pct), I have Toremefine, open to suggestions on dosing of it. I'll be continuing cycle assist and Liv52 and my Animal SnackPack vitamins. Still deciding if I should bother with a natty test booster. They seem like their full of shit to me... Might grab some designer creatine though, as opposed to straight monohydrate...Purple K even, as its worked well for me in the past. Again, open to others thoughts.
Might grab some designer creatine though, as opposed to straight monohydrate...Purple K even, as its worked well for me in the past. Again, open to others thoughts.

if you want to waste your money i guess its your decision but imo just stick with mono, its the only one thats been proven...

and imo all the others are blended, underdosed and over priced useless crap :flame:
My work schedule (4 12hour days, 1 day off, 4 12hour nights, 2 days off, repeat) is starting to drag on me. I've done my best to keep my workouts intense as possible with only taking a max of two days off a week though. The biggest sufferer is definitely my diet. I've got to be burning a lot more calories from working all day and my usual diet isn't cutting it. It's worked well to define my body but I'm not seeing the size results I want. Therefore I went to the grocery store and, taking advice from 3J's Bodybuilders Fridge post, spent $100 on meat, yogurt and rice. I cooked 4 days of meals consisting of meat, meat and more meat, and have 4 protein shakes ready. I'm going to call this last week: Eat Till I Puke. I figure fuck it, I can lean out later, building mass is where I struggle so I'm gonna try to blast now while my test is up. 3 weeks have come and gone like nothing, 10 weeks of test start to sound more and more appeasing! My next post will include some of my workouts I've recorded hopefully some guys can look at and add any suggestions for next cycle. Last post will include starting and final pictures and measurements. I can't find a goddamn accurate scale anywhere!
hey man you are better doing injection. m1t is shit, it well fuck you up. side affect for m1t is way worst then then regular AS. get on estro blockers, tribulus, something for your immune system and your mood.. basically get a real good On and Off cycle
hey bros im new to forums and i know u cant ask sources but this m1t caught my attention. i have two cycles of other ph's already and want better gains and ive heard great shit about m1t. i found some from a uk website but not sure if its g2g? i saw a few saying this is bunk but maybe it could be shitty diet? dont wanna fuck myself up on here right off the bat by posting what website and product it is are we allowed to discuss this on private message or not? just dont wanna come on here and look like a dumb asshole right away but im tired of looking for decent products that arent a bunch of hyped up trib top secret russian ecdybolin bullshit.
hey bros im new to forums and i know u cant ask sources but this m1t caught my attention. i have two cycles of other ph's already and want better gains and ive heard great shit about m1t. i found some from a uk website but not sure if its g2g? i saw a few saying this is bunk but maybe it could be shitty diet? dont wanna fuck myself up on here right off the bat by posting what website and product it is are we allowed to discuss this on private message or not? just dont wanna come on here and look like a dumb asshole right away but im tired of looking for decent products that arent a bunch of hyped up trib top secret russian ecdybolin bullshit.

I would honestly stay away from M1T. If you're going to take the risk of buying an illegal steroid AND one that is toxic, you may as well go to a UGL and get test/tren and go crazy.

You would also be wise to check out the Androseries (orbit is carrying Androhard and Androlean). Non-toxic and legal prohormones.
starting M1T and Anapolon today! I am excited to see how good the M1T is.

Ive got plenty of Liv.52 and have been on it for the last week so its already built up in my system, and i will stay on it for a few weeks after this 4-5 week cycle is complete.

starting weight: 180lbs
Getting bloodwork thursday, finishing my cycle sunday. 4th week, getting mild headaches and some lethargy I think, though its hard to tell what to attribute it to, my flipflopping shifts are wearing me down. Strength is still up there and size is not bad. Overall so far I am unimpressed and think that my work ethic and strict diet can take credit for much of my progress. I've actually questioned whether the M1T I'm taking is even legit because of the lack of sides and substantial weight gain. We'll see.
I'm gonna jump back on creatine and zma/tribulus this weekend, start Torem on mon.

kdo2milger: I hope your taking more than just Liv52 and have a good PCT.

whitey83: From what I've heard and from my personal experience thus far I would definitely suggest a different PH. I only did this cycle because I had already bought it, but I have heard that it was no good.
yep liv.52 2 pills 3 times a day.

oct is 4-ad and cryotest
pct will be GP Clomiphene and GP Anastrozole

right now im taking anapolon x 1 in the morning and m1t x 1 before gym

first day of taking them and believe it or not, i have to say that this was the most intense workout Ive had in a long long time! and the pump was amazing to say the least!
i cant wait to get back in the gym.

i have noticed my appetite has noticeably increased, hopefully it wont go through the roof, i want to make good use of all the extra calories.
Getting bloodwork thursday, finishing my cycle sunday. 4th week, getting mild headaches and some lethargy I think, though its hard to tell what to attribute it to, my flipflopping shifts are wearing me down. Strength is still up there and size is not bad. Overall so far I am unimpressed and think that my work ethic and strict diet can take credit for much of my progress. I've actually questioned whether the M1T I'm taking is even legit because of the lack of sides and substantial weight gain. We'll see.
I'm gonna jump back on creatine and zma/tribulus this weekend, start Torem on mon.

kdo2milger: I hope your taking more than just Liv52 and have a good PCT.

whitey83: From what I've heard and from my personal experience thus far I would definitely suggest a different PH. I only did this cycle because I had already bought it, but I have heard that it was no good.

sucks to hear, i used m1t when legal gear made it, absolutely blew up, incredible strength......nowadays most of it is bunk im guessing

kill post cycle therapy (pct), get healthy (probably easier if it is bunk), and try something else
Well went to the doc's today for bloodwork. I'm almost positive my M1T was garbage. Either it was severly underdosed or complete crap. 3 and a half weeks in my blood pressure was more than good, it was absolutely phenomenal, indicating a completely healthy and very fit young man lol! They weren't even taking me serious. Either way I got them to test my liver and free test levels.

I'm actually hoping that it was shit. Because I have gotten the best results of my life in the past almost 4 weeks. It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it and really buckle down. I've been dieting and training the hardest of my life in the light of taking advantage of my "cycle." The pictures I post should speak for themselves, as have my numbers in the gym (besides the scale). I'm getting my BF tested electronically tomorrow. I was 13% starting and judging by the mirror I MUST have brought that down because my weight hasn't moved.

This has been a great learning experience. For those of you planning their first cycle who aren't training their ass off, dieting to the extreme and are drinking and/or smoking STOP. Get all that right, you'll see results then you can look into adding a cycle. I see why everyone says to get it right first.

Side note: Incline Dumbell Press: 100x4!
Incline Bench Press: 205x8!
Shooting for a 300lb deadlift soon!

Summer's coming so I'll be transitioning into more calf and core work soon and less chest/back work. Wouldn't mind cutting a bit more, I can see all 6 abs now, but I want some canyons!
again sucks the stuff was bunk, but at the end of the day, legit m1t is very toxic and rough on the body, so maybe its a blessing in disguise