magnesium transdermal gel &hcg question


New member
I understand this can raise your Dhea-s naturally.Will you have to worry about high conversion to estradiol?Already on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) &arimidex.Finally talked my doc into hcg.Since I'd already been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 2 yrs. without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I'm using aggressive protocol you gave to soccerguy.Feel tremendously better after first shot.Also splitting my Test cyp. injections each week.My DHT levels are low normal,will Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) help raise it,or will I possibly need Dht cream or test. cream rubbed into scrotum to raise libido and erectile strength?If you raise Dht to mid-high normal range,will this raise hemoglobin?My natural hemoglobin is 17(14-17 range)I occasionally have slowly rising levels from TRT.Thanks!