make a cutting cycle for me please


New member
hey there im 6 ft. 2 in. 250 lbs been working out for years on and off(mostly lifting 2x6`s up a ladder) i need some sugg`s on a cutting cycle i think my bf is aoround 15 or 18 percent alyhough im not sure . should i throw some t3 or clen in da mix or what?? any help would be great
I found using anything besides test and maybe mast/tren when ur in the single digit bodyfat percentage a waste tbh. Ive cut on high test/high tren. Anavar (var) etc etc. And was a waste of money, I preserved no more muscle then on 150mg of test per week alone. The point I was told when cutting and using AAS is just to preserve muscle and 300mg of test per week should be fine. IMHO no need to use anything other than test to cut, then perhaps throw some mast and tren when your leaner, I used tren when I was 14-15% bodyfat and noticed nothing off it besides obv strength and aggression etc.

I don't see why people need 750mg of test and 450mg of nandrolone and 1gram of primobolan to cut on im like wtf? What a waste when you can be using all that for putting on muscle in a calorie surplus not defict. lol
How about getting your diet dialed in that's the magic trick right there.. The old saying... Abs are made in the kitchen...