making a mix of powders


New member
lets say i want to make 150mg of test prop,tren a,masteron each compund to be 50mg..

my question is can i use regular recipe for every compund lets say i make 10ml of masteron 50mg/ml..then tren acetate and then test prop..the idea is to use regular recipe and make them separate and when u have the 3 finished just mix the in one bigger vial,anyone tried that method ?
nope.. but i dont see why it wouldnt work... just think about it tho... its gonna take 3cc's to get 50mg of each compound, if they're dosed at 50mg/mL..

i would do the math, use the brew calc, and put em all 3 in 1cc..

im soon gonna be doin my own test prop/tren ace stack @ 75mg test/50mg tren = 125mg/mL