Making Sustanon (sust) 250, what ratio's?


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Making Sust 250, what ratio's?

I ordered:
Test's grams
Propionate 3
Phenylpropinate 6
isocaproate 6
decanoate 10

This is the right percentages for Sustanon (sust) 250 and is a total og 25 grams. This should make 100ml of 250mg/ml Sustanon (sust) I believe. Now I have made Test Enanthate and Test Propionate and the have worked very well. I have the following chemicals and can get whatever I don't have.

Peg 400
USP Grapeseed oil
Octyl Salicylate
Animal's A and E solutions

Can someone help me out with the oil volumes and solvents?

I'm figuring on adding BA, BB, possibly a small amount of PG and Peg 400.

I figured that I would dissolve the Propionate into the solvents first because it has the highest melting point, then the Phenylpropionate, then the isocaproate and finally the decanoate. Does this make send to dissolve the one that has the highest melting point first? Maybe this will not damage the hormone? What are people's thoughts on this and what amounts of solutions should i use?

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BA and BB alone should be fine. 5/15 should do it

Havent experiments with Animals newest solutions, but Id imagine they woudl work to from what I briefly remeber.

You could play with a couple drops at a time of OS, but you could ruin stuff pretty fast with it if you used too much.

I dont even bother with PG, and leave the PEG mostly to orals or esterless compounds.