making test c


bulldog god
i have 10g of test c and want to make 25cc @ 400mg and i want it to 2% BA and between 15-20% BB. can some one please help with many mls of BA, BB, and oil to use. i know how to do the rest. also i would make 400mg deca the sameway?

test c at 400 will be painful.

anyway 2% ba at 25ml total volume is .5ml and 20% bb at 25 total volume is 5ml.

add the powder ba and bb in a preamrked vial and add oil til its at the 25ml mark. heat til it clears on a hotplate on medium. then filter into sterile vial.
I have tried every which way to get CYp to hold at 400mg/ml and it still crashes eventually. Doesn't matter what ratio or solvents used.

I would suggest either make it at 300mg/ml or get some Enan and make it at the dosage you want.
thanks, for the info, i am not worried about it crashing because i always reheat my gear before inject anyway helps it go through the 25g needle
yep, it will be. Cyp 400 will crash no matter what. Its only a matter of time, alignment of the planets and what mood the cyp fairy is in. 400mg/ml enanthate has MUCH less kick in my experience...because my 500mg/ml enanthate is much more mild (because it cant crash in depot i assume) than my cyp 400mg/ml.
jarbulldog said:
why would test e at 400mg be less painful then test c at 400mg?

lower melting point so a depot of hormone would never crystailze in you ass cheekies.

btw deca is fine at 400 with 2% ba.